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Show f '"Millard County 'Chronicle ' ftiarsiafr'lfor'embej'- T1962 The Millard County Chronicle Published Every Thunder at Delta. Utah By CHBONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY B. H. (Bob) BIDING : OWNER-PUBLISHER INEZ BIDING ASSOCIATE EDITOB JOE STEWART UNO PRESSMAN Entered as Second Class matter at the Postofflce at Delta. Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Subscription Ratal S4.00 a year In adrance; Six months, 52.25 Advertising Bats on Hequeit NATIONAL EDITORIAL CUB STATTFfiSTASSKlinC Hinckley - - DESERET MRS. EDNA CHRISTENSEN We went on a trip to the Holy .Land in church Sunday evenng Sister Fontella Bishop who recently returnea irom a inp 10 jeruaumii was the speaker in Sacrament meeting. She gave us a very inter-, inter-, esting account of her journey and made us feel how blessed we are to live in the United States. Two young girls from Delta, Sydney Dal-ton Dal-ton and Dixie Merrill gave very good short talks and a beautiful organ selection was played by Jackie Jac-kie Black. It was a very good meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dewsnup took'Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Dewsnup to Provo Wednesday where LaMar and Aletha left Thursday morning LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of CLYDE HOGSETT, Deceased. De-ceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned Administrator Ad-ministrator at the office of his Attorney, At-torney, Thorpe Waddingham, at Delta, Utah, on or before the 26th day of December, A. D., 1962: N. S. Bassett, Administrator with Will Annexed of the Estate of Clyde Hogsett, deceased. First Publication: October 25, 12. Final Publication: Nov. 15, 1962. to go to Georgia to get a new school bus. They will be gone two weeks as they plan on doing some touring before coming home. Mean while grandpa and grandma Dewsnup Dew-snup are taking care of the four children. Carol Cropper artd Venice Knight attended funeral services in Garrison Garri-son Monday for Wayne Gonder's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Newell Knight spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Kearns where they visited Newel's father and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Fern Warner spent Thursday in Fillmore. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Warner and family of Ogden arrived at the Cecil Warner home Thursday night to spend a few days. They returned home Sunday afternoon. Darrel Allred of Sajt Lake was down to go deer hunting with his brother Orin. Janice Petersen recently spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs; Raymond Petersen. Visitors at the home of Ines Damron over the weekend were her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Curtis and daughter of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Garold Moody spent Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives rela-tives in St. George. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Cropper attended at-tended funeral services in Aurora Saturday for an uncle, Richard M. Cropper. Dr. and Mrs. Gurr Merrill and family fa-mily of Ogden visited . Sunday at CLARA STEWART On account of the crisis in Cuba,' SSgt. Robert S. Wright's leave was canceled and he was given until ; Saturday to get back to Bergstrom j Air Force Bat,e in Austin, Texas. Anyway, he had a few good days hunting and got his buck before. he, his wife Carma and son Scott, had to leave. Lt. Jg. Mario Morris who is in the Air Force in California, talked to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Morris and told them uncle bam. has frozen him on the job for at( least two more' years. He has been in over five years now and was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heny. Dewsnup. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Western and daughters returned to their home in Smithfield after spending a week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Western. Nine ambitious garden club members met at the church Friday afternoon for a work meeting. Bulbs were planted and weeds cleaned out of the roses and elsewhere. else-where. It is hard work. Those present pre-sent were Fern Crafts, Telia Fisher, Fay. Davis, Edna Christensen, Nora Cropper, Berniece Western, Josie Moody, Beverly Eliason and Geo Eliason. By the way, the garden club has forgotten who last borrowed bor-rowed their book on Flower Arrangements. Ar-rangements. Would the person who has it please return it? We are anxious to get it back as it Is quite an expensive book. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis came down from Grant sville Friday night and went deer hunting Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Verdon Davis. Max Jensen was a weekend visitor vis-itor at the home of hin parents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Jensen. . - . i - Eva Alice Robison was down for a visit. She brot her mother home after a week's visit in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schoenberger lost their company Saturday morning. morn-ing. They all returned to California after a successful deer hunt. Only two days of the hunt left and we still have & few men still '.trying to get a buck. And doesn't the weather stay beautiful? Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Cropper and family spent Saturday in Provo. Lois Petersen of Oasis accompanied them. - - - - --' ms annum .oil. im Ptff ii in S l2J ST' Mi-31 ANTISEPTIC Killieon- f0 twttteni breath. 90c ' II nan II HEATING ."'tproof, 3- tS S flat B sr. r n 596 PANniiTr On dally UbUt I all vlt. . mint normm. tOR IkMfCwrfxt" SUPPORT STOCKINGS SpuntM aaamed "2" m r. 4" r limn ytont. 6u antaad. m m 64c ASPIRIN Rtull 100't. 2 for .65 1.25 POLYMULSION chiidrtn'i liquid multi- . . a. iiUmmi. 4 0 .Z tOf T26 79c RUBBING ALCOHOL , . ' Hmhi.pi. -.2 for .80 63c MILK OF MAGNESIA . . Ke.all, plain or mint 12 ox. 2 TOT .64 53c GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES SUPPOSI-TORIES Adult. Infmt. 24't.... 2 for .54 1.19 SACCHARIN TABLETS,. ... W ir. 1.000't. 2 lor lucU 1.19 VITAMIN C ,fnr19n Rtull. 100 t lOO't Z TOT l2l 1.04 MONACET APC TABLETS fof pain. 100' 2 for 1.05 55C REX FILM panchromatic. Sim 127, 820. 120. . 49c KLENZO TOOTH BRUSHES 98c AEROSOL SHAVE CREAM Rtxatl llvenStr w Ready Shavt. 11 n. ,. 25c GIFT WRAP PAPER 4 20 69c RO BALL DEODORANT 24-hour protection. - 98C HAND LOTION Cra Noma. rrirant,crtiny.tz.. .2 for .56 .2 for .50 .2 for .99 .2 for .26 .2 for .70 -2 for .99 Hlt $r(AY a BRITE SET It triht BILLFOLDS Top train Itathtri Quality ftaturta. A, SI 75c MASCARA APPLICATOR Cart Noma. Fashion thadei 2 fOf .76 1.00 HAND CREAM f Cara Nomt. 441. jar 2 TOT 1.0 1 U5 COLD CREAM Cara Nam. Vi 2 tCT 10 ICHRinMATcAROS W it. Matckiaf & BABY LOTION 2t90c It. I intl.tptlc Rr.Uct'"- Cltana baby'i '- eo4tie 49c BABY PANTS 1 , . - c. plwtw bloomtr it)l : 2 TOT .UU S9c EXTENSION CORDS. . .n lactric ft brvon. ivonr. Zt0r.U 1.79 HEAT LAMP . . . . RtaJlay lBtr Rrf Z TOT 1.80 pCI planning on getting out at Christmas Christ-mas time to accept a position in engineering that was offered him. Now he will be transferred to Pen-sieola, Pen-sieola, Fla., for helicopter training then on to Key West, Fla. CHd Mr. K. can really upset the world and spoil people's plans, Mrs. LaFay Corry is home from Las Vegas after six weeks with her daughter, who had a new baby. Mrs. Etta Tullis came home Saturday Sat-urday from Las Vegas with her son to drain her water pipes in her home and get it ready for winter before returning with them to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Swensen and boys came Saturday from Salt Lake to get a day of hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd G. Eyre of Salt Lake were in town "Wednesday to renew old acquaintances and visit relatives Vi Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Robinson. Floyd is the supervisor of all the Seminary Semi-nary teachers in the Salt Lake area. Carl Hardy left for Souix City, la., early Thursday morning to be gone a month or so to visit his brother Lloyd and family. Mrs. Sharon Hardy entertained for her son Mathew's 8th birthday Oct. 23rd. Twenty-six small friends enjoyed games and eats. Mrs. Adell Petersen was in Salt Lake all last week with her children. child-ren. She came home Saturday with daughter Myrna and husband Fred Jensen of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hale from Trout Creek spent Saturday and Sunday with their daughter Natalie Bennett and family. Mrs. Gertha Bishop spent two days in Salt Lake. On Saturday her daughter Larry and husband Blaine Nelson and family of Salt Lake came to spend the weekend. Mr., and Mrs. Cluff Talbot had their son Carl and wife and son Ricki of Salt Lake to visit them Saturday. Sebrina Ekins was In Provo this week with daughter Katheryn. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Theobald are back from seeing the Fa!r and vacationing va-cationing in California and Nevada. Sunday evening church services were given by teachers and students stu-dents of the jr. high school. Ferrel Walker announced the program and was the first speaker. Stanley Hales the studentbody president also spoke. Quartet of Don Christensen, Bruce Stephenson, Curtis Farns- KEEP JUDGE DAY Oil BENCH URGE FRIENDS AHD NEIGHBORS .As long-time friends and as neighbors in Fillmore and Millard County, of Fifth Judicial District Court Judge C. Nelson Day, we know of his exceptional ability and temperament, his extensive training and wide experience exper-ience in legal matters, his outstanding record of public service, his devotion to duty, and his expedition of and competency in handling the business of the Court. We -urge your vote and support to retain him in this most important office. . , Howard D. Johns, Fillmore, Mayor and - Hospital Administrator Archie D. Christensen, Flowell, Chairman County Commissioners Guy Robins, Scipio, Millard County Clerk Ned Church, Delta, Mayor and Hotel operator Golden P. Wright, Fillmore, Supt. Millard County Schools Mrs. Taft (Maurine) Paxton, Kanosh, housewife., . . and church workers . 4 - ' '! ! Jti ' ' k J Milton A. Melville, Fillmore, Millard County Attorney Noel Robins, Scipio, Democratic County Chairman Otis Walch, Delta, Republican County Chairman Mrs. Rebecca Kimball, Kanosh, merchant William Wilson, Fillmore, newspaper editor Mark Paxton, Fillmore, oil distributor, former ' ' President Utah "State Senate ": ; " ' A. LaVoy Kimball, Fillmore, merchant ' . -; Mrs. Golden H. (Loa Baker) Black, Delta, , housewife and civic worker ' Orvil'Beckstrand, Meadow, farmer and Justice of the Peace I 900-Calori J wrr aio I Chacelalt fiavortd. J lax of SO providw POO 68c color MM. LOW CALOtft ! LIQUID Diet Aid f44: J Try our ew fiamrs, tool Spuntex NYLONS . Si lt 87c J , intdl ar fiat it. Utttt ahaoe. (Mm lilac FT SET I Ban rwwt. 75c MINERAL 0Hfan.K UCIU TISSUES tii.oo$. w: i omtt'xiur. tk ClIIKJAMOS tnoaiM 45 . .43 rut ft, "ai 0 la I tret .49 -3 for .79 -399 Lawyers of 5th. District Bar . ENDORSE JUDGE DAY As members of the Fifth Judicial District Bar Ass'n, and as Attorneys practicing in the Fifth Judicial District Dist-rict Court, We endorse incumbent" Judge C. Nelson" Day and urge his retention in'this most important of fice. His ability, temperament, training and extensive experience all admirably fit him. for this position which he is presently pres-ently filling so well. " Orval Hafen, St. George Thorpe Waddingham, Delta Harold Cline, Milford Udell R. Jensen, Nephi . Patrick. H. Fenton, Cedar City LeRoy H. Cox, St. George Milton A. Melville, Fillmore Dudley D. Crafts. Delta : Eldon A. Eliason, Delta . Harlan Burns, Cedar', City ' - J A. Lee Petersen, Fillmore Phillip Lang Foremaster, St. George Robert L. Gardner, Cedar City F. Clayton Nelson, St. George (Paid Advertisement) worth and Michael Theobald, accompanied ac-companied by Geniel Webb, sang. Next was a talk by Beverly Bunker and a second quartet of Jay Grant Moody, Kim Holman, Richard Adams Ad-ams and Scott Mecham, accompanied accompa-nied by Linda Bonn. LaVoy Toltiert was the closing speaker. Special numbers were given by the ward choir. It was a very enjoyable and spiritual meeting. We invite them to come again. Saturday morning 25 children will go to the Manti Temple to do baptisms. Tuesday evening the MIA held their Halloween party in the gym. Everyone was asked to come dressed dress-ed as the title of a song. Oasis and Deseret Wards were invited to join us in the fun. Prizes were given. Refreshments and dancing were enjoyed. en-joyed. Harold Morris went down to the city dump yards Saturday morning to take some trash and he saw a beautiful buck running around down there in the fields. He told Cluff Talbot and Carl and Russell went down on horses and shot it, breaking its two front legs. They brought it home but while they were skinning it they found it had already been shot. Meldon Jay Wright had taken a shot at one west of town and it probably was the one. The poor deer are so panic stricken they know not where to go for safety. Mrs. Arvilla Swensen entertained the Rook Club at her home Wednesday Wed-nesday night. Thirteen members were present and invited guests were Dana Bishop, Alta Warnick and Anna Lee Hepworth. Prizes went to Nina Mecham, 1st; Enid Damron, 2nd; Dana Bishop, low; grand slam, Harriet and Alta; and guest, Anna Lee. (Too late for last week's paper) Alma Western was happy to have his brother Myron and wife of Pocatello, Idaho, here to visit him and his wife over the weekend. week-end. At the Willard Hardy home for the weekend were their daughter Kay of Provo and son Wesley of Pleasant Grove with their families. Gary and Ethelyn Hardy and son Greg of Draper were also here; " Mrs. Enid Damron entertained the Literary Club on Wednesday night at her home. After a delicious luncheon Clara Stewart gave highlights high-lights of her trip to New York and the Northern States also "How To Attain Success," a lecture by Rose Marie Reed given to the BYU assembly. as-sembly. Members present were An-gie An-gie Pratt, Reya Talbot, Alta Warnick, Warn-ick, Erma Cropper, Gladys Carter, Harriet Spendlove, Violet Robinson, Joyce Gronning- and Belva Moms. Zane Crafts was home from Salt Lake to see his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crafts for the hunt. Most of the hunters are home. Some having their buck, ethers Just having had a good camping trip and horse back rides. Mrs. Blain (Lucky) Theobald received re-ceived word Tuesday her father, Frederick James Gulliford, 66, of LaVerkin had died quite suddenly Tuesday, Oct. 23. He was a World War 1 veteran and they had just gotten him to the Veterans Hospital Hospi-tal in Salt Lake when he died. I ' Visiting last week with Mr.' end Mrs. Sherm Perkins and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Perkins were their sister j and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. John-1 John-1 son, of Long Beach, Calif., and Mr. Murray Perkins of Fresno. Here Saturday to join the family was j Mr. Lloyd Mills, of Salt Lake City. i CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks and appreciation for the kindness and thoughtfulness shown to us in the loss of our daughter. The Clyde Stevens Family SHOP AT HOME SHOP WITH THE ADVERTISERS 7,500 Bead It In The CHRONICLE y LAN ELECT DEAII CHESLEY ROBISON DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR County Recorder Native daughter of Millard County Property owner and taxpayer in Millard County over 30 years. . . . Served public throughout life in Church and Civic activities. Co-owner and Manager of Fillmore Electric Radio and Appliance Shop more than twenty years. Secretary in office of Millard County Extension Office Served Mission to Central Atlantic States, 1956-1958, ' nine months of time spent as Mission Recorder in office at Roanoke, Virginia. Served as Substitute Teacher two years in both the Elementary and High Schools at Fillmore. ' Served as President of the Nebo First District of Federated Women's Clubs of America. Mother o ftwo sons' and two daughters. . Presently Home Service Director in East Millard Chapter of American Red Cross. I i i I i f 1 f 1 5 If III H iP r - I ii RETAIN C. NELSON DAY (Incumbent) as JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT :.- - .:. DIGNIFIED ir EXPERIENCED CAPABLE DEDICATED RESPECTED Native of Fillmore where he resides with wife and five children. Farm Owner and Taxpayer in Millard County for over 25 years. Graduate University of Utah (BS Degree in Economics Political Science) Graduate of University of Utah Law School (LL.B. Degree) Graduate Army Military Intelligence School World War II Veteran Taught Business Law at U of U 1 MEMBER FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT BAR ASSOCIATION UTAH STATE BAR ASSOCIATION AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION 3 L. D. S. CHURCH " -HELD OFFICES IN- JAYCEES KIWANIS and LIONS CLUBS District Justice Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity (four states) ! I I t As attorney, admitted to practice in Supreme Court of Utah U. S. District Court of Utah U. S. Court of A ppeals for 10 Circuit Supreme Court of teh United States 1 Received Law Fraternity Outstanding Alumnus Award Received Jaycee Distinguished Service "A ward ' Former Utah House of Representatives Attorney Former First Assistant United States Attorney for Utah - . Forwer Chief Deputy Attorney General for Utah Appointed Fifth Dist. Judge to fill unexperied term of Judge Will L. Hoyt Secretary Utah State District Court Judges Association ' " ' i (Paid Adv. by Friends of C. Nelson Day) - BAKER PHARMACY |