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Show current Beneficiary, under the Deed of Trust made by KENNETH T. ELLIOTT and KATRINA M. ROSE ELLIOTT,' husband and wife, as Tina-' tor, recorded December 12, 1986 as Entry En-try No. 0764364, in Book 1130, at Page -303,. of the official records of -.Pava- - -County, Utah, iven to secure an inde-' btedness in favor of ICA MORTGAGE CORPORATION, a California Corporation, Corpor-ation, by reason of certain obligations secured thereby. . t Notice of Default waTrecorded Sep- tember 30, 1988, as Entry No. 837980, to Book 1258, at Page 260, of said official offi-cial records.:: . . . Trustee will sell at public auction to highest bidder in cash, payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale, without warranty as to title, : possession or encumbrances, the following fol-lowing described property: Lot 3, GOLDEN ACRES NO: 5, according to the official plat . 1 thereof, records of Davis Coun- " - ty, Utah. ' . Property address: 957 Saphire. Layton, Utah 84041. f Record Title Holder KENNETH T. ELLIOTT and KATRINA M. ROSE ELLIOTT, husband and wife, as joint tenants, for the purpose of paying obfi-' gations secured by said Deed of Trust including fees, charges and expenses of Trustee, advances, if any, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, interest -thereon and the unpaid principal of the note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon as is in said note and by law provided. DATED thfs 5th day of January, 1989. " . BRYAN C. ROBINSON, Successor Trustee". 180 South 300 West, Suite 350 Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 Published in the Davis County Clipper First publication Jan. II, 1989 Last publication Jan. 25, 1989 Issue No. 49 C-836 -- ': 1 - " .. , EXHTBIT "A NOTICEOF TRUSTEE'S SALE -"'... , The following described real proper- ty will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the 7th day of February, Febru-ary, 19C9, at 11:C3 a.m., at the North front door cf C.c main entrance of the ' Cc.'r'y Cc :e, Corner of State A MJ-i, I J. -, in Ce 0" ny of r--. r-i(fr iry clnlax |