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Show zrr : 1 .1 .... . . : . : Lutheran view ; of forgiveness .- 7 " - r - ' . ? . - ... Vov -7" will receive the forgiveness of all j your sins? Then declare so by say- . ing: I do believe. As you believe, even so may it be unto you.. Upon this your confession, I, by virtue of my office, as a called and ordained servant of the Word, announce the grace of God unto all of you, and in the stead, and by the command oC. ' my Lord Jesus Christ I forgive you , all your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen." - 7 This brief service helps us to see - the fact that it is Jesus Christ and He alone who is our Lord and Savior from all sin. It is God alone who 1 forgives sin. Once we see ourselves in our proper relationship to our Savior, then our life and how we live takes on new significance. We live, not 1 attempting to placate' God's wrath by our good works. Rather, good works flow from a heart that is already at peace with God. Knowing that Christ Jesus took our sins on Himself, already, and that we are the redeemed, by , grace alone, we can livd victorious lives dedicated to God, knowing that He has already and fully .dedicated .dedi-cated Himself to us, by dying and rising for our sake. It is my fervent prayer that this portion of our worship wor-ship service blesses you. , - v . - ELDER NELSON Elder Larry James Nelson, son of James C. and Ella R. Nelson, has accepted a mission tail for The Church of Jesus Christ Aof Latter-day Latter-day Saints to serve in the Switzerland Switzer-land Zurich Mission. Larry is a 1988 graduate of Woods Cross High School Where he served as student body president and he is also a seminary graduate. He is currently a student at BYU. 7 ELDER TRUSTY Mkhaql Lon Trusty has been -called to the North Carolina Raleigh Mission. " . .' :. ... His missionary Jarewell will be ,; held at 10:50 a.m. on Jan. 15, at the Bountiful North 27th Ward, located at lfl5 N. 200 E., Bountiful. An open bouse will be held on Jan. 15 at 12:30-2:30 pjn. at his home, located lo-cated at 82 E. 1100 N., Bountiful. He leaves for the MTC Jan. 18. SISTER MADSEN Teresa Madsen, daughter of Kenneth C and Gunborg Madsen, has accepted a call to serve in the Japan Tokyo Sjputh Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Latter-day Saints. Her farewell will be held Sunday, Jan. 15 at 10:15 a.m. at the Bountiful Boun-tiful 16th Ward, 720 E. 550 N. Friends and family are invited to the Madsen home following the meeting. meet-ing. Teresa graduated from Bountiful High School in 1985 and received her associate degree from Ricks College in 1987. She will enter the MTCJan.18. Larry will speak in the Woods Cross Fifth Ward Sacrament meeting meet-ing on Sunday, Jan. 15, at 1:20 p.m. at 2064 S. 800 W., Woods Cross. Relatives and friends are invited to visit at his home following the meeting. He will enter the MTC Jan. 18., , i By REV. ERIC KAELBERER ' ' Pastor of . "" .Cross of Christ Lutheran Church As I sit at the typewriter I have - just returned from leading a chapel c service for the Salt Lake Lutheran High School; We had to hold the; 7 r chapel service in a multi-purpose : " room rather . than the church sane-. ' tuary because a funeral was soon to: 1 take place. That act helped to punc- 7 . tuate the importance of a right re- lationship with ,. the 't. Lord Jesus ChriSt. v . , ri-,- ...yr" We shared the meaning of Jesus'--birth in our flesh being that He f ' would die to take away the punish-l punish-l ment for our sins. After the brief meditation we shared together a ; part of a brief confessional service found in our "Lutheran HymnaL!; would like lo share that with you. ' now. It contains five questions asked as-ked by the Pastor "I now ask you before God, who 4 aearcheth the heartr-"-'. L Do you sincerely confess that you have sinned Against God and g deserved His wrath and punish-ment? punish-ment? - Then declare so by saying:" KI.do confess. Verily; you should ; . lorjafess; sfor;j' Hor Scripture de- .;tlares: 'If we say that we, have no KlshV.we deceive ourselves, and the g i truth is not in us.' i -' i7f"2. Do you heartily repent of all tsyour sins committed vin thought,'-word thought,'-word and deed? Then declare so by saying: I do repent Verily, you ; ' should repent, as did the penitent . gsinners: 'King David, who prayed . Ejlfpr a contrite heart; Peter, who wept , uibitterly; the.' sinful woman; the Hfjjwodigal son, and others. S: ? Do you sincerely believe that EiG6d, by grace, for Jesus sake, will Kvforgive you all your sins? Then de-t. de-t. clare so by saying: I do believe, 'is i Verily, you should believe, for Holy . iScripture declares:. 'God so loved .' H mc wor that He gave His only be- gotten S6n, that rwhosoever be- 7 g-ueveth ift Hin should not perish, .7v' : jiijpbut have everlasting'life.' ' "4. Diy you promise that with the Ej aid of the Holy Ghost yop,will hen- iefoih;n)iend'; youff sinfull'Iife?; . S Then declare so by saying: I do. SJ: promiseVerily, you should; so I. promise, for Christ the Lord says, 'Let your light so shine before men - that! they may see your good works " and glorify your Father which is in ;.' g; heavenj -' -' ; "5. Finally, do you believayou . jV ' ; , ( (Wlk.-f II 1 J- .1 ' ' " '" '. ' . fv - , . It".-. ".- W' ' y . : V- - ! -. . .-' v ;7? B . 7l:lli7 i . j - :y.:::4 ; i SI mi ' 7 j ELDER JENKINS v 7 p7 Elder Cory Dewain Jenkins re-' ;7" g turned Dec. 23 from the South Da-j- kota Rapid City Mission. He repor-J repor-J : k ted his mission Jan. I in the Parrish 77 CyonWard,Centerville. i I- v Cory is the son: of Dewain and 3 i: Carma Allred Jenkins of 670 E. 540 7 N.iCenterville.'- ; I'M,' -If ,i V'-:' ; i ! i ' - i t . 77-j J" lLcrnl'Il-inturr.rg 7' " rr ' .:--rar-'atD V'.. ; . ' 'ir' I. - i . ... |