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Show vOION LINE 1 nlh the numerous vending machines in OSH, why Ikereno dollar bill change machine supplied? I natiably end up bothering one of the nearby f fas for change. B. Cummings ; "fortunately, a dollar bill change machine costs 51,000 and does not provide any revenue. ' ".ange machines would be useful in a number of iviaal! w places on campus; but with the upcoming recycle teity program, we are not likely to get them. :l -by has the O.C. Tanner fountain in front of the WS'V nary been turned off the last two months? makes d ma I T- Aesthetic Evidently some valves and pumps malfunctioned, and the amount of draining water increased to such an extent it provided a skating rink on 13th East and Sth South. The City requested that we turn off the fountain until repairs were made. Parts have been received and the fountain should be functioning again soon. In the HPER complex why do the women have only a steam room but the men have a sauna? Ms. Tilbury When the complex was being built, the women on the planning board were asked if they preferred steam or sauna. They opted for steam. |