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Show otoweF 9111 ACADEMY AWARDS ' ROD STEIGER. SIDNEY S ' "In The POlT Heat oi th.x O MOVIE "GRAND PRIX"r "UVEFORUfE French Enali.hT:,,. , AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICy IN CRISIS Union Ballroom Center Ballroom l Thursday, April 11, 1968 I i STUDENTS INVITED 9:00 a.m. U.S. Strategy & Tactics in Vietnam ) 10:45 a.m. Red China: Military Capabilities I & Political StrategJ ' 1 :15 p.m. Economic Development & Coop, eration in Southeast Asia 2:15 p.m. Soviet Union: Military Capability & Political Strategy 3:30 p.m. NATO, Europe & the United States Four of the Nation's foremost authorities on Red I China, Russia, Vietnam, S.E. Asia, U.S. & European relations will present their views. The U.S. Under-secretary Under-secretary of State for Political Affairs will defend the Administration's position. 1 I Big. This year even bigger. Some Chevrolet Tri- ways, too. With such exclusives in Chevrolet's tied Levels are longer. Some wider. Some with more as an ignition warning system. You'll get a buzz out cargo room. Size up Impala. Nothing in its field of it if you ever leave your key in the switch. There O comes as big. For instance, in many others you are rocker panels that clean themselves with every wouldn't dare try laying a 4 x 8-foot mirror flat in the shower you go through. Inner fenders that protect " main cargo level. (Especially if you're superstitious.) the outer ones from rust. And hidden windshield In Impala, no problem. The hidden storage compart- wipers on many, models. Even with all these advan- I ment on the lower level also takes more of your gear tages, Impala and Chevelle Concours are the lowest than any of them. The roof rack you order should priced luxury wagons in their fields. And if that's ' take care of the rest. For your comfort, there's extra what you like to hear, hear this. Unprecedented hip and shoulder room. savings are yours now at your Chevrolet dealer's We make our Tri-Levels lots more attractive in other '68 Savings Explo. See the details below. GM Chevrolet Tri-Levels mmmm TRY ONE FOR SIZE AT YOUR DEALER'S. MARK Of EXCELLENCE lUUa"!SSC WAGON m fa tf&fl!R meaTf J VU Poweral'de and whitewalls. big' savings on power disc 68S9VM&S "QexXSn TgTo 2. Any Chevrolet or Chevelle brakes and Per steering on iHlK Chevrolet and Chevelles with 250"hP Turbo-Fire V8, anyu Chevrolet or Chevelle lUU ID Take a look at these bs Power9'ide and whitewalls. Wlth V8 en9me- filfS savings plans. Then see your 3. Any regular Chevrolet 5' Buy nV Chevr0,et ! V. Chevrolet dealer. with 25Vhp9 ylo re V Chevelle If3 2-dr, l A Bonus Savings Plans. Turbo Hydra-Matic and dr. h?rdtP nrT Its like no other savings 1 . Any Chevrolet or Chevelle whitewalls. on vmyl top, elecnc clock, event your Chevrolet dealer with 200-hp Turbo-Fire V8 4 Now forth.f m- C"T vo, h.inow, tor the first time ever, ance guard items. Happening now at your Chevrolet dealers a tremendous explosion of extra buying power. Only the leader could make it happen. |