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Show Southeast Of Asia Campus Crime Prevention the Chrony. I'm sure that the editors edi-tors would be glad to print 18 inch features daily to publicize the new committee. After all, if the Chrony can't serve every committee on campus, what is it for? Short of bringing the CIA to campus, cam-pus, we could plant spies in the Huddle. Their main objective: To bust the Chrony thieves. The spies could dress in levi's, leather jackets, jack-ets, beads, moccassins, have long i kinky hair and wear wire-it" glasses. Camouflaged in such p they could infiltrate the rat the silent knowing. Lest One Mint Whatever the solution is, I'm-that I'm-that the Chrony, with the I humorous attitude of a news: ness, which just lost a mint, find one. But then, if the Chrony stealing, what is it for? - By DARRELL LEO It's Sherlock Holmes time again. The mysterious disappearance of several thousand copies of the Chrony have mystified not only Chrony editors but Lt. Wilkinson of the University Security Department. Depart-ment. Wilkinson and his fearless posse have been forging an investigation investi-gation trying to find the culprit or culprits. Despite these efforts, the thieves have managed to elude our campus cam-pus detectives to date. The only thing to do is set-up a prevention program to stop a recurrence of this dastardly deed. One For ID I suggest that a new distribution spot be set up. Maybe we could use ID's to see that no one gets more than one copy. Another alternative is an alarm system made of the student officers and administration. Maybe we could ask Pete Grundfossen, John Kesler and Jan Diehl to guard the stands, early in the morning. Armed Arm-ed with their own red tape, they could catch the criminals, tie them up and leave them for the campus police. Clean the Chrony Stricter punishment could be the answer also. Perhaps, the crime merits something short of capital punishment, like cleaning the Chrony office. The answers to this perplexing problem are numerous. Maybe Programs Board could set up a Chronicle Theft Prevention Committee Com-mittee (CTPC). What For The CTPC could organize through |