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Show Utah Graduate Awarded Stevenson U.N. Grant W966 fessor Neff Smart of the tin-Journalism tin-Journalism Department anT ber of the Fellowship rn men-the men-the idea of a memolT for the late U.S T EL WShip United Nations came fromthto rent chairman of the L, CUr' Committee, D. A Skeen WshiP ney in Salt Lake who of Adlai Stevensen an? present at the founding of th nJs in San Francisco in T945 TwN' lowship is to be awanS he Fel" to a graduate studen t versity of Utah. the Uni" V ..jtf"!"S- 's , .r I 1 j By TOM CLOYD Last Tuesday marked the first formal awarding of the Adlai Stevensen Stev-ensen Memorial Fellowship to a student at the University of Utah. The honored recipient was graduate grad-uate student Michael McCoy, who is currently studying political science sci-ence at the U., with plans to eventually enter the University Law School. MR. McCOY was a 1962 graduate grad-uate of Granite High School, and received his B.A. in history from the University last year. In addition addi-tion to a $1500 scholarship award, the fellowship includes the responsibility respon-sibility of serving at this year's Model United Nations as the Executive Ex-ecutive Secretary of that body, coordinating the various activities of the MUN for the Division of Continuing Education, its sponsoring sponsor-ing agency. Mr. McCoy will also conduct class for the MUN members mem-bers for the duration of the session. Over 1400 high school students are expected to participate this year in the University's Model United Nations. vTo qualify for consideration for the Adlai Stevensen Memorial Fellowship, Fel-lowship, a graduate must have a good academic record, such that he will be nominated for consideration considera-tion by one of his professors or the head of his department. Fundamental Funda-mental consideration is also given to the student's interest in international interna-tional affairs. The several nominees who qualify by virtue of their record, rec-ord, interests, and a faculty recommendation rec-ommendation are considered by the members of the Fellowship Committee, Com-mittee, who decide to whom the honor will go. THE ORIGIN of the Fellowship is with the United Nations Association Asso-ciation of Utah. According to Pro- ' MICHAEL McCOY . . . Stevenson Scholarship Winner |