Show I SOCIAL AND ANDL I L PERSONAL I 1 Mrs E O 0 Howard gave an Orpheum party followed b by a 11 lun luncheon luncheon cheon at Franklins In honor or of Miss Margaret McClure the table having havinga II a centerpiece of plait pink and white sweet pOllS peas and covers laid for the tho follow followIng followIng Ing guests The Misses Margaret Walker Valker Aileen McMillan Virginia Dant Eliza Dey Hope Kervin Marian Hall hail Margaret Margarot Dunn Lillian Lane Lan and Miss McClure S S Last night Miss Gertrude Stephen Stephenson son and J W y Ernst were marrIed the ceremony being performed d by Rev nel Xi 11 S n at t the home hom of the tho brides parents Mr and Mrs V IV M Stephenson and the tho rooms being orated In pink and white sweet pens peas and carnations and a number of the anti friends ns as assisting The brides gown gon wn Of whIte Sylvia lawn trImmed In Irish and Idol teso tese inca Ince and she brides rosos liar IIer bridesmaid mald Miss MIAS Myrtle Stephen Stephenson son Ron was wall In pale blue rajah silk and carried pink roses Mr C 14 11 Thompson of Indiana acted liS as best man Miss Gra Gray the music and punch was served by USA Miss May Pier Pierson son Mr and Mrs Ernst will ho he at home lifter after Aug 20 nt at No 10 Zimmer Zimmerman man flats S I S Mrs P T Sadler has returned from froma a 11 ilia stay of severn several I days with her sister Mrs Walker at idie well veli S S S Mrs C I Tuttle gave Anve II a luncheon yesterday at the Country Countr club followed b by bridge her har party making up two to tables and tIme tho prizes going t Mrs Mr John Delano and MI Miss s Loreno I Leary an rite decorations vero In lavender and covers laid for eight eightS S S Mrs J B Risque and Miss Sullivan were among those who entertained yesterday lit at luncheon nt at the Country Countr club S S S Mrs Edward Fife entertained nt at a acard card carll party part yesterday h by a luncheon nt the tho Countr club the tho orations being In swat pens peas and covers laid for about a dozen dozenS S S S Senator nail Mrs Sutherland and Miss Edith Sutherland A I L Thomas and Mr and Mrs Thomas leave shortly for II a trip through the tho Canyon of tIm tho Colorado S S S STo To a large larga affair takes place iii the tho hOmo home of Mr and Mrs 1 P S 5 who give n a reception In honor of Dr Drand and Mrs V Id 1 who wore ro tI wedded S S S Another large event of tonight will wIil ho ha hotho the tho party to ho be given n hy by Mine I neth floth nt at the tho home or of Mr ami J 1 E CUlM Caine CaineS S S S Miss NellIe Nollie Davis navis entertained nt at cards afternoon her amusement being Miss l Daly entertains the Ule the Rowing Bowing club this S S S Frank and Miss Mills Alice are enJoying nn an outing III at the Old Arm Arm Chair Mits Virginia nl at ata n a yesterday nt at the Country her guests being members of a aparte party parte ot Of young girls who today for tor a WIck lit at inder the tho of Mrm C I 1 The They comprise Miss Mine Allne Miss Norinne Idles Mar ret nunn Dunn Ml Miss Lillian 1011 MI Miss II Walker Miss units Hous tOil Miss Miss clio cite Clark and Miss Ja CS Mr fr Mrs and corn ii 11 leave IMo about the tho or of August for tor 1 a trip through the tho Mrs W i n H Dalu anel Allen Dale will pOnd nt at the tho itt In Od Cun oJ |