Show WILL COMMISSION MODIFY RULE 86 Action of Transcontinental Rail N Rai roads in iii Regard to Oriental Trade Arouses Interest Interest TEEMS WITH DIFFICULTIES JI I Giles ics aim 11 Association u iii I lii In tIme Subject Washington July OThe report that the tho transcontinental railroads controlled bYJ by J J 3 Hii J dward It H Harriman tho H rw nd syndicate and the Cann lan government deter dete to surrender theli thou export trade to China Japan Ne ew Zealand Australia on No Nov 1 ha has created a great deal o of Interest at tIme tho ot of the interstate commerce commission In this cl city I If thIs action Is taken It wi Ihl merel merely tull them the prediction that has been made by the railroad officials who have hao resisted time the ot of lImo tho rule rulo of time tho commission b by which they are ae obliged to the porton of at thel their export rate rute which Hoes goes to the railroads s fOI hauling shipments to seaports and to gIve notice ot of eny In Increase increase crease or In iii these rates The Tho purpose ot of the tho roads ro d to take this action has hs not been to the tho ot the corn com commission mission which has ful full power to mod Ir Its rulings II In order to meet time tho objections o of the carriers should the they care caro to do so But Dut as timis matter has been yer ver fully II by time It Is not regarded 1 na Ike like likely ly Iy that their rulings In this respect wil will be changed CLAIMS OF rime rho railroads claimed over eer sInce Ince this rule became effective that the they could not comply w with h It mind and conduct their export trade J Hi gave gae an example ot of the difficulty cui that confronted him In a mactier ot of this kind hen ihen before the tho mater commis commission ion sion saying lie he had an opportunity to bId on time tho delivery o of barrels Qt of flour ou to the tho orient but as he could not glIde n Ii rate rute without forma I log Ing lie he wa was unable to 10 make a bid for tor time the busIness anc arid the tho delay caused time the order to bl be In Aims Aus Austra tra I I Constantly changing ocean rates nn amid time demands o of trade which the cl carriers huo hae represented mal ea It thin that should be free freeto rel to quote arto ni rato on export a n o delay They rh have fr declared that the e s lull rula Would put them out c if the trade with the result ot of calms IS In Ing LI an Io s tl to tie the foreign trade ot of thon the ton DISCUSSED D This subject was sed when the case of the Cosmopolitan Shipping company compan versus time thc can Packet companY was before the tho tr for a hearing I It was tIme the ot of this case caso that gave rise to the rile which the lime transcontinental roads MW no v declare Is Ii It Impossible for tor them to continue In the tho trade e In this cao ernie complaint Wil wilt made mado against time the operation of what WIS the foul whIch I it w wits alleged control lund land amid vater rules lilIes rom roni Inland In tire the United leI States to tIme destination Of Time Tho asserted to control water vater ratel rates but In silted Stilted on 00 a ot of the inland rate to time the Of export from the through rte rate and to 10 that flor 01 ton tiomi ot of the rato tire the or of time the law inching both and o of changes o of the rate As Aim tho rho was ILS II sec upon af aftel toy tel the complete hearing Ind and 11 as predictions weme wele then malc that It put time tho railroads out nut of time the ex cx export port trade It Ii is not considered hikly that the tho slon wl vil readily IO re Is Its WiLL ILI I INVESTIGATE SUBJECT Chiago Chicago Jul July alil today tOllY Time ho decIsion o of time tho to time tho export or lenti I trade and ni a lurle large proportion et ut tile trade hat has time tho Chi cage association o of commerce tu to luko Irma an o of tho subject Time ot of the tho association has secured ul of It the vapors papers on flo tile before the tho COI mIssion amid nd Is makIng I a careful ox ex Of time the h by time the railroads In o of their le leton cc ton tion It is IN that time Inest gatian 0 of tire ml result In iii nn Li ii appell ft to the limo tor or a hearIng In tIme ease or 01 al an appeal tos cm ail In I n pr to t lie iii I I road from going ut mut o of business It If the thu us that thul time tho Ial toads sere cre It Is time tho wi will 0 be naked to change chano I its I In imi this the cale On Oh 11 till sides yes OS inquiry Into tIme tho asso enlon elation with respect to Iu time matter great surprise was IaH that tw thu 1 ii iLVO I luch such madi l leal ml eal action SUIO u of time tho caine from time tho cilos cities tie t ii a alt I ii or will 1 edly mm 10 I o oI Iho ho I ii mu issi cm i m gal imst thu I ot of the lIme exhort timid Im port rates rateR which wil ho he II in Nn I 1 Such Ruch sic fInn 1 it is 18 I oil won Id lut not ho 10 oh I I to 10 t t ci Ili I III rl ra ii IH luse rise I I t t ron In tho I ruling that the welo Iii lla between 40 nd 50 I imor r cent l less 1 11 iii than thanIn In III the tho mini ii ION for cun en 0 simm P 1 iou mu t th I lie t it I I I f I hiti should ho be time tho the tho him he oulI too hit ii to conti flue 11 in time tho UI its th h un on business would mait then lie he threatened |