Show NIO NIGHT T LESS HIDEOUS ow York New York hll hoe at mule mails the tho discovery I coen that many ot of this which its laYs and nights night are not only illegal More amazing still it II has found that Ih con can hI be and I is actually beginning to take the tho trouble to stop them with thin assistance ot of the polIce polke and the IhA courts Certain oWners ot nf amusement lit at or aye PAined to re r ol warning tn t rinse lit aL is 18 1 a wr w trot ot of sits U their The Tho perambulating handorgan man hu heR had his hili day In court and been In that there thero are hours ot of the night his hll music bocol becomes es nn an unnecessary nOie Peddlers who horns street Vend Venders ers whO angle bells gangs ng or of street treet who make night are beginning to learn the road to the station Even the tho streetCar companies are In line IIno for tor discipline They Ira are among tue tho ver Of Offenders fenders with their cars and runnIng gent It they can he be taUght reason truly paradise IOn Yet t be I The Tho Wonder or of It nil Is 18 hut Now York h hats e tolerated this lied lam of noise nolo minces so 10 Ion long and th that t the public should have hen been so 10 slow In insisting upon Its right to h proteCted In the tho enjoyment ot of nt at least n a t w hour houts I |