Show mUR OPINIONS iN HIGH COURT Judgments In Three Cases Are Arc Affirmed With One Re Reversal Reversal versal LOSES AWARD ON APPEAL Be of 1111 l U S ot of were wert down ClOWn b by Four this court ench eich of written by Mr las concurred In III hy by Mr In Mr II nIl the Iho lower court coutt wa II thero va ono trite file CIC caO ot or lien Hen liener Lindsay It va er cr B the tilo judgment or of for valid In II a CoOks COOl tho StoleS States Smelting com company pan for W revord ll on the tho ground that oW the tho dangerous that resulted In the tho b bIrn by byUn Un Irn TIle The Sugar company sued W v II Ili and others to corn com comel cornet et el the tho of fences on certain remises for fr right or of way he decision Of t he lower court was In and the tho decree R 01 of am RS as upheld b by tim tho supreme court Tw cR cLO ei I Hanson In Attorney II A Smith and Dr DrA 1 A Anderson were plaintiff one su nl for legal leRI fec the tho other r for dOc ors servIces has been decided against The Tho higher c cOurt urt h lon except that the f defendantS father John Peter John Johnon on was made to stand for the Ule judg ent In the opinion of the tho supreme ourt |