Show I LATE LATE LOCALS I to Bergstrom and Camly family have havo removed to San Francisco whore where Mr 11 Bergstrom Is engaged In business One J uch enlistments are continuing nt at the Sal Salt Lake Ind ad Ogden recruiting stations at the rate rato ot of ono one each ench day Clock Nov uw front of the tha SOy Saves hotel on enl caSt First South street has been repaInted and the tho clock ILL at atthe the tho top ot of tl the building put Into corn com missIon for tor Good GoOl auto automobilists learn with that county count people wi wilt pay I a I 1 mi tax for the betterment of the tho county roads flom San Chemist Bums harms front hi his to San l Francisco co where he was i cali called by time the of his uncle lUte lUteman nur man 11 Hill Ir Hi Hill Is convalescent fur for A hn has been led ut III the court b by John U asking for or letters of In the estate of D 13 Hicks who ho tiled died Dc Dec lR 10 1907 1007 leav leavIng tug Ing ot of the tho value ot of nOO hl Go 0 P Jennings Dr C I Douglas front from this of Pith lal inn to tIme the meUng meeting ot of the tho supreme lodge It at Aug II I 1 have havu gone ent caSt to attend thu tho I dl or IVar of Endue who time tha principal lit at the tho recent annual of thu tho Danish brother brotherhoods hoods hooch InH was I a II in tIme tha the with Danish arlY army at latt same Cot Coi n Ii M 11 H Lund n of this city who then thun hold C a similar rank 1 big Illch bunch ot of youngsters fro toni I tito Y YM 11 M C A sveio O entertained this timis fOI InS lug It at tIme tho tIre firo Ild shown hol hen time Iho lire lighters JUIP into hul UpI ups slide the Iho polO poles and hitch tIme the horses Time Tho boys bora wi will lC be at time tho again lids at t 7 1 tu tho time dri drill Wil iiI t tenth l orl Dairy Joint John expectS to 1010 leave tonight for forI I Ih I 1 n in hl will attend the Iho twelfth unfold convention o of th tile state anti national food o of the united Time hl wil will lIe haiti lt Lit St SI Marie Illg II 4 and continuing time tho bul of the teok 1 of time Iho Ira are tt At W today on omm the tIme outing b by tim tho o of thE time company The Tho wall ward I is 01 nim lit itt this resort today amid tomorrow time the Of if Z 7 C CM M iii T 1 wi hl their outing when 1 a large all timo II hi look looked d for loor local bank hanl clearings I to I its for lor tie tImes salute lay II last lawt Year nr On this date tIme banking o of tio Me I In Over J nf at Inlo InG ing heon I 11 his II Iii wih with r S Ir d III Tue fhe Irana inns ot of dil jc wen vere a break cr Vf time the loril houe |