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Show ' 1 " i ESUGflCinODt) CaiDa!ciCBLr ( mm ) CARPET and upholstery cleaning by the best method on the market. Done 7 days a week at your convenience by appointment. appoint-ment. Free estimates. Call 387-2466 or 387-2793. 387-2793. 9tfnc PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINT DRYER: Practically new with three extra fero-type fero-type plates for faster drying. dry-ing. $150.00 new will take $50.00. See at the COUNTY NEWS. BEDS, NEW $70. up. Used $22.50 up; refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers, chests of drawers (new and used) $35 up, new and used cribs, high chairs, walkers, bassinetts, couches, chairs, end bikes, lamps, pictures, doll buggies, pony saddle, sad-dle, baby, adult clothes 25 cents up. Paperback book exchange 10 cents. Buy sell and trade these items at GRANDMAS NEW and USED FURNITURE, 1860 North Lund Highway, High-way, Cedar City. Open 12-5:30 p.m. Monday -Saturday. 586-8658. FOR SALE: 10 speed man's bike. Like new, used very little. Steve Wilson, eve. 387-2717 or 387-2881. WANTED - Girls 12 years or older to be with me from from 4 p.m. to 7 a.m. No lifting. Some Saturday and Sundays. To work out with others. Church and school activities allowed. Call 387-2254 or see me at 192 North 400 West, tfnc msm WANTED: Junk, Cars, trucks, radiators, batteries, bat-teries, aluminum, copper, brass. New-rebuilt and used parts, radiators, batteries, bat-teries, motors, windshields, wind-shields, transmissions, starters, alternators, and tires. Contact Bill's Auto Parts, Box 15 in Beaver. Two miles north of town on Manderfield Road (West of Lower North Creek Road. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Phone 438 -5 51 a. ' tfn WANT AD RATES 5? per word, min. $2.00. 3 insertions for the price Oof 2, if paid in advance. 25? charge for billing. bill-ing. CARD OF THANKS, 5? word, minimum $2.50. mm 3 1964 18 ft. Sabre Craft Boat. ' 160 HP. New 302 FordV8 motor. See at 202 S. 200 W. or call 387 -2720. 15p 25 PEAT POTS IN Growing tray. $2.19. For all your gardening needs see us at SMR Builders, Milford. 387-2457. 1315c FOR SALE: 4 acres with nine room modern home, South of Greenville. No interest. Call 528-3486 or write John Yardley, Centerfield, Utah 84622. 132 5c jAp Carpentry By The Hour r"nl) NO JOB TOO SMALL j ' Rmodllng jl U Ptloi-Bathroomi.Kltchtni U i Room Additions Cirporti - Oarages WILLIAM A. CAMPBELL, JR. Free Estimates Box 566 (801) 438-2849, 438-2868 Beaver, Utah 84713 Doctors find a special laxative ingredient to be highly effective in relieving even severe constipation overnight Don t let irregularity or constipation become a problem This medical ingredient is now available in the exclusive EX-LAX formula Use only as directed Chocolated Tablets or Unflavored Pills EX' LAX NEED REPAIR WORK DONE? Household and Commercial work. 24 hour emergency service. Call Kirk General Repair. 387-5541. tfn NEED A LIFT? Rent a . fork lift, Tower Products, 387-2423. ll14c IMPORTANT NEWS FOR BACKACHE SUFFERERS! MOMENTUM" Tablets are 50 stronger than Doans. Belore you take Doans Pills lor muscular backache, remember this MOMENTUM Tablets are 50o stronger than Doans That means MOMENTUM gives you 50 more pain reliever per dose to relieve backache To reduce pain, soothe mllammafion so muscles loosen-you can move more Ireely in minutes' Theres no stronger backache medication you can buy without with-out a prescription than MOMENTUM From feet, hands, elbows. Doctors find that hard, thick calluses often can be softened and removed medically. The same ingredient doctors find so effective is available in DERM A SOFT Medical Formula For-mula for Hard Callused Skin. LARGE SELECTION OF Garden Seeds, 35? and 50? . ' See at SMR Builders, Mil-ford. Mil-ford. 387-2457. 131 5c S cm D D hJtzi on QD5D ARC0 AWARD $60 Dixke Fluid ;?.;. U ARC0 AWARD Kt2S Gas Treatment j.1."-. IT ARC0 AWARD $KZ5 Oil Treatmant . J ARC0 AWARD fnt FOR SALE: 6 room house, 2 lots, 217 South, 300 West Milford. Call 714-689-3559, Riverside, California. Cali-fornia. 1215C HOME FOR SALE; in Beaver. Bea-ver. All electric. 5 years old. 3 bedrooms, 1 34 bath. Full basement, carpet, car-pet, drapes, range, dishwasher, dish-washer, disposal, Jotul 4Rvood burning stove. Fenced Fen-ced 12 acre, with garden spot. Close to town and schools. Call Bill Williams, Wil-liams, 438-5193. 14I7c FOR SALE: Newly remodeled remodel-ed older home on 12 acre lot in Minersville. 34 more acres avail-' avail-' able. ' Call 386-3641 or contact Lyle Carter. 141 7p ) FURNITURE: Want to buy good used furniture, working work-ing appliances, antiques, paperback books - what have you. Cash paid at GRANDMAS NEW AND USED FURNITURE. 1860 North Lund Highway, Cedar City. 586-8658. Open Monday - Saturday, 12-5:30 p.m. 1315c WANT TO BUY: Used motorcycle in good condition. con-dition. Call 387-2720. 15p WANT YOUR ' OWN BUSINESS? JEANS & SPORTSWEAR SHOP OR O I DENTURE WEARERS A major advancement CUSHION GRIP DENTURE ADHESIVE one application holds comfortably up to 4 days .. I FOR SALE: 17 ft. Alumin-craft Alumin-craft canoe with rear mount for motor. Contact Con-tact Red at COUNTY NEWS. 387-2881.' Di Gel. The Anti-Gas Antacid. FOR SALE BY OWNER;' Beautiful home in Milford. Mil-ford. Cathedral ceilings, two fireplaces, extra large two car garage. Extras. Call 387-2789 or 748-2164. 748-2164. tfn BILLS INSULATION FREE ESTIMATES AERO-LITE FOAM UL APPROVED CELLULOSE 801-864-2088 or Box 624 Delta, Utah 84624 CHILDREN'S CLOTHES We furnish and install store fixtures, beginning inventory, supplies, training, grand opening and buying connections for over 100 name brands. $14,500. For more information, in-formation, call Myers, Area Representative 1-208-785-0426. PHONE-387-2881 TO PLACE YOUR AD FOR RENT OR LEASE: Old Jim Moody Ranch south of Milford. Phone 387-2721 387-2721 or Las Vegas 457-2622. 457-2622. TFN GOOD NEWS FOR FREE: Good Friday Services, 2:00 p.m. Easter Sunday, 12:15 p.m. Milford Com-Munity Com-Munity Methodist Church. Compare! Dristan" Tablets relieve more colds miseries than Contac or Aspirin. DSianiCon,aciAsll,in Nasal Congestion y y Runny Nose y y Aches & Pain y Fever y y GO FIRST CLASS with Wedding Wed-ding Announcements, stationery, sta-tionery, Business Cards, and business forms. Quality Qua-lity printing at reasonable cost at COUNTY NEWS. Helps Shrink Swelling Of Hemorrhoidal Tissues caused by inflammation Doctors have found a medication medica-tion that in many casos gives prompt, temporary relief for hours from pain and burning itch in hemorrhoidal tissues. then helps shrink swelling of these tissues caused by inflammation. The name: Preparation HK. No prescription is needed . Preparation Prepa-ration H. Ointment and suppositories. sup-positories. Use only as directed. SUBSCRIBE DON'T BORROW! Stop itching last ot external vaginal, rectal, and other skin conditions Doctors find even severe itching can be treated with a special drug. You can now get this anti-itch drug ingredient with no prescription in BiCOZENE- Use only as directed The medically proven creme tor TPJTTTI itching llJXViXJ2i-U Gas line Antifreeze ?..J J ARC0 AWARD $r85 Start Fluid 11 AWARD WINDSHIELD WASHER $H10 Solvent !.. II AWARD WINDSHIELD WASHER - $fl25 Solvent Ready Mixed U AWARD PENETRATING $195 Oil Spiff.,...: if..0.?: II AWARD AUTO CHOKE AND CARB. $tf"J00 Gleaner Spray A ARC0 AWARD $l795 Bagreaser Spray II ARC0 AWARD $099 Air Filters A ARC0 AWARD $ (T)99 Oil Filters 1L ARC0 AWARD $010 Gas Filter GOOD YEAR FAN BELTS AND HOSES AND NATIONAL BATTERIES TO FIT MOST CARS AND TRUCKS AT COMPETITIVE PRICES, WE ALSO HAVE A FULL LIME OF ARCO MOTOR OIL, PLUS PENNSOIL, QUAKER QUAK-ER STATE, HAVOLINE AND CHEVRON MOTOR OILS. COMPLETE LINE OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS AT COMPETITIVE PRICES Cosh Discount per gallon on Fuel Oil ' Fisher n Milford II ( ' ' ' ' , PROTECT YOURSELF, BUY ANDSELLTHROUGH A RELIABLE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. COME . IN AND LIST WITH US TODAY!!! 2 bedroom frame home on 100 West. Oil furnace heat. Located on corner lot - zoned commercially. $15,750.00 - offers will be considered. Terms negotiable. 2 bedroom home on 100 West. Pumice brick siding. Oil furnace heat - large fenced yard. Lot zoned commercially. $18,500.00. All offers will be considered. Terms negotiable. Spanish style 2 bedroom stucco home. Completely refinished inside and out. $15,000.00. 75 acres of farm land 30 acre feet underground water right Existing well. 5 miles southwest of Milford. Terms. Boise Cascade-Heritage Homes DEWEY HAWKINS JR ALVA KIRK J D KIRK 387 2466 387-2868 3875561 426 So. Main Phone 387-5503 Milford, Utah -..i".t. wm r nmjiwwwioi' .j-'"""--""! W See, Drive, n j " Deal, j1 ANewbn LAMM d lUlU Bill Van, Salesman .; ' pflREimvloiD I 586-9435 Cedar City 1 For your headache get O extra strength and safety, too. Anacin has extra strength. by a panel of experts, used as More strength than any rcg- directed. But Anacin gives you ular headachYt. And more pain reliever than any Anacin combines Strength regular strength headache with safety. J tablet. Gives you safety you Like ail leading headache expect with extra strength you tablets. Anacin starts with a want. Read and follow label pain reliever recognized safe directions. Exlra strength with safety. That's common sense. That's Anacin. |