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Show Accidental shooting viounds Marshall Marshall Cox received superficial wounds in his thigh and calf last Friday, when his holstered gun discharged. dis-charged. The bullet lodged near his ankle, but no serious damage was done. He received first aid treatment at Milford Valley Memorial Hospital from Dr. Symond and then was transferred trans-ferred to the Beaver Hospital Hos-pital and released Tuesday. He expects to be back on the job in a few days. Cox told the COUNTY NEWS that he and Deputy Fotheringham had taken a small dog that had been run over out to dispose of it. He was carryinganoldArmy 45 caliber, and had put the gun on half safe and hol-stered hol-stered it, and they were walking back to the car when it discharged. The bullet entered the fleshy part of his thigh, coming out and missing the knee, then re-entering the calf of his leg and lodged near his ankle. He blamed the incident upon a faulty weapon. |