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Show WARNS TURN THUMBS DOWN ON GUARANTEED ANNUAL INCOME Over 11.6C0. Utahns responded to questionnaires submitted sub-mitted to them by Rep. Laurenve J. Burton, and indicated indicat-ed oxerwhcl-uinj opposition to a guaranteed annual in- "xhc people of Utah once again said, in effect, that they w...nt to vork for their pay, as 90.6 per cent responded respond-ed No" to the question of a guaranteed income," Rep. burton said. "And over three fourths (76.67 per cent) of those who responded are also against the rising tide Jf pornography which is infiltrating our mails." On the subject of the Post Office itself, 63.6 per cent said they favored the transition of the Post Office Of-fice department into a government-owned corporation to operate on a self-supporting basis. "Concerning the last-minute . "Concerning the last-minute Johnson land-grab thai: expanded ex-panded the size of two of our Southern Utah national monuments, monu-ments, nearly 74 thought a President should not have this power." The Utah Congressman reported re-ported there was increased interest in-terest in lowering the voting age to 18, with 35.5 in favor fa-vor of this proposition. "The distressing fact that drug abuse is on the increase in Utah as elsewhere brought an overwhelming number (91.4) in favor of an all-out war. on this problem," Mr, Burton said. "And 67.8 favor a portion of federal income tax money being returned to the states for local use." Concerning a proposed increase in-crease in grazing fees, almost 50 said they were not in favor. fa-vor. "But what surprised me is that almost 20 had not made up their minds on this issue, which is so vital to our Utah livestockmen. "Other responses were similar simi-lar to views that have been expressed to me personally by many Utahns opposition to Red China's admission to the United Nations, the need for a federal law to help prevent strikes by public employees, etc.," Mr. Burton said. "What pleases me the most about this whole project is that so many of my constituents responded. In this day of general apathy across the nation, it's' good tv"1 know that so many Utahns are taking the time to think out today's' problems and take a position on them. And, naturally, it helps me to make my mind on key issues, knowing know-ing what the people of Utah want." |