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Show QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS CONGRESSMAN LAURENCE J. BURTON 1 1,603 Responded Percentage "YES N0 UNDECIDED I. Should the Federal Government develop de-velop laws to help prevent strikes by public employees. 60.8 27.1 12.1 7 Do you favor lowering the voting age to 18. 35.5 57.5 7.0 3. Do you favor legislation which would return to the States and Local Governments Gov-ernments for use as they see fit, a percentage ot the money now collected col-lected in Federal Income Taxes. 67.8 21. A 10.8 4. Do you believe the Federal Government Govern-ment should guarantee an annual income in-come to heads of families, whether or not they are working. - 3.7 90 f: 5.7 5. Do you suoport the proposal to convert con-vert the Post Office into a Government-owned corporation to operate on a se'f -suonorting basis. 63 I " 7 6. Red China do you favor U.S suoport suo-port for admission of Peking to the United Nations. - 20.7 64.2 15.1 7. Do you think present laws governing govern-ing pornography are strict enough. 14.6 76 6 8.3 8. Do you favor the proposed increase in grazing fees for public land users 31.3 49 .1 19.4 9. Do you approve ot President Johnson's John-son's proc'amation increasing the si7e of arches and capitol reef national na-tional monuments from 73 127 to 330 127 totn' acres 19.6 66.5 13.5 10 Would you favor a law limiting the row?' "f thp DrpHent to create na-tiona1 na-tiona1 monuments and leaving the oowei ln-"plv in the hand of the Congress ... - 73 4 15.3 11.3 II. Do you favor an all-out war on drug |