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Show REGISTER OF TREASURY. Hon Judson W. Lyons, Register of the United States Treasury, in a letter from Washington, D. C, says: April 23, 1899. Pe-ru-na Drug Mfg. Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen I find Pe-ru-na to be an excellent remedy for the catarrhal af- I W u4tR!Aiul 1 , L Jl BUILDING Hon. Judson W. Tyons, ReKi.ster of Ihft Treasury. tedious of spring and summer, and those who suffer from depression from the heat of the summer will find no remedy the equal of Pe-ru-na. Judson W. Lyons. No man is better known in the financial finan-cial world than .Tudsnn W. Lyons. Ilia nam on every piece of money of recent date, makes his signature one of the most familiar ones in the United States. Hon. Lyons address is Augusta, Au-gusta, Ca. He is a member of the National Na-tional Republican committee, and is ! a prominent and influential politician. He is a particular friend of President j Mc.Ki.iley. Remember that cholera morbus, cholera infantum, summer complaint, com-plaint, bilious colic, diarrhoea and dysentery are each and ail catarrh of the bowels. Catarrh is the only correct name for these affections. Pe-ru-na is an absolute specific for theoe ailments, which are so com- ' mon in summer. Dr. Hartman, In a practice of over forty years, never lost a single ca.-e of cholera infantum, infan-tum, dysentary, diarrhoea, or cholera chol-era morbus, and his only remedy was Pe-ru-na. Those desiring further fur-ther particulars should send for a free copy of "Summer Catarrh." Address Dr. Hartman. Columbus, O. j I |