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Show Gold in Bull Valley. j Wm. T. TIuu-U.t and John Per. fold returned last v.'ok from a prospecting ' trio to She southwestern part of the i State. They let; Ilebcr last February I a"d have been prospect ' ng' for gold in j the Bull Valley mountains al iv.n I'm Ly I miles southwest of St. George, They j claim there are pood indications there, i but on account of lack of water prospecting pros-pecting is an up hill business. They say there is an abundance ot sroiil there in paying quantities if water could be obtained, but to get water would necessitate neces-sitate a pipe line two or three miles long' and they were not able to expend the means necessary to put it in They intend returning' in the near future, and will try to secure the assistance of some one, with capital enough to build the pipe line and put in machinery, when they expect to develop a modern Klondike. Wasatch Wave. |