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Show IS IT RIGHT For an Editor to Recommend Patent Pat-ent Medicines? .From Sylvan Valley News, lovrad, X. C. It may be a question whether the editor of a newspaper has lliu ritrht. to publicly recommend any of the various proprietary medicines which Hood the market, yet as a preventive of suffering suffer-ing we feel it a duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilemedy. Ye have known and used this medicine in our family fur twi uty years and hav always found it reliable. In many ca-es a do-e of this remedy would save hours of sufb.-r-ing while a physician is awai;.-d. Y."e do not believe in depending imidiohiv on any medjeine for a cure. Ve.it w e do believe that if ;i bottle of Chamberlain's Chamber-lain's Diarrhoea TVim-dy wen- kept on hand anil admbii-'op-d at t he i i;'-.-pt ion of an atta-k rati"!, f;i1-Hr,L' mii'l.t b-avoided b-avoided and in v. ry mai.y im- pi-.-- nee of ;l phy-iri.m would not ) required. .t !'.,-! tli h been our exp'-ri.-m-i- during- tie- p;:-t t'.ven'y !!:. For a!- by all Dru ei-'-. |