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Show ivt:ni:-i)v mi:tai, j 'a.-i in-- '.;,,ur i; cents a 1!). The Morris thai-.,; ha- had a neat ,ign paints! M i'.-. Hi I .mat I. -ft. tor .-..'.It Pake ( 'ity on a vi-it la-t week. Mi..: el!"e Woodbury reiurp'-d from a. vb.il to Salt Lake t.uy her week. Si", chame in the advertisement of ! the .Vcy fa.l .Vent .Market in t.hi- is-ue. I Si. e change in the: advertisement of E. 1!. Snow's Furni'ure Stere in this issUe. No. 1 GOOD OAK LAURELS FOP. sale cheap at. the fit. George Til'ning' oniee. Mutual conjoint conference at Pan-Lfuitch Pan-Lfuitch lake vvi'l h'e held on the 23rd and 21th lusts. Kenneth Snow, the hoy that was burnt by gunpowder on the 3rd inst.. is doing nicely. William Macfarlane returned from Sul pi i iird.'tlo, wliere he has been working', work-ing', last Saturday, The Lio Virgin Cotton cc Woollen Mills ciese down on the loth inst. and will remain closed two weeks. J. S. Ferris, of Dellevue, passed through here this week bound for the Lull Valley country on a prospecting trip. Dixie fruit has' been quite plentiful for the last week and has found a ready sale at good prices, Leaver Blade July (i. Andrew F. Gregorson of Bellevue, co-owner with Brig-ham Jarvis of the Paymaster mine, was here on business this week. J. B. Michels has sold out the City Drug- Store to James Andrus, Jr. Dr. J. T. Affleck will manage the prescription prescrip-tion department. John Pulsipher and wife left last week for Alodena, where Mr. Pulsipher has interests. They will probably remain re-main there for some time. The thirty or more tramp prisoners of the city are raking rocks from the streets. " under guard of two double barrel shot guns. Provo Enquirer. The Missing Link claim, in the Tut-sagubet Tut-sagubet Mining- District was located by M. J. O'Meara on the 20th day of June last, and recorded here yesterday. Bails are now being- laid on the Arizona Ari-zona &. Utah railroad at the rate of nearly a mile a day. The track is within nine miles of Chloride. Kingman King-man Miner. William P.'IYicze for tv Un.tt- Friday. j L. P. Kiuur rc!uri:.-d from Sa't Lake 'ity ThuVuy. Aliss Nellie Atklu was again tokeo very ill this week. Our venerable postmaster, John ; Pymm, is under the weather. j Seth A. Pymm went out to the Dixie ! mines yesterday to see about ore shipment. ship-ment. The Bra.-s Band meets every Thursday Thurs-day evening in the old St. George Bail for practice. The Tabernacle spire is being painted, paint-ed, and already begins to show an improved im-proved appearance. Hector MeQuarrie and Charles Dodge returned from their cattle ranches Wednesday. Thomas II. Gardner returned from Dutch Flat, Nevada, where he has been working for Some time, Tuesday. That there has been rain in the hills this week is evident by a flood that came down the Santa Clara early Wednesday Wed-nesday morning. Samuel H. AA'ells left this morninsr for Modena to meet Manager W. W. Old, of the Dixie Alining' Co., who is returning from Salt Lake. Judge Daggett performed the ceremony cere-mony Tuesday that bound together William Elroy Pectol and Aliss Nellie Adeline Jolley both of Washington. Railroad George, an Indian, was sentenced to five days imprisonment by-Justice by-Justice Erie at Santa Clara "Wednesday "Wednes-day for stealing water from the Santa Clara creek. He is in the jail here. Airs. AL E. Whitehead has bought the residence, furniture and lot of Samuel L. Adams, Jr. Air. Adams expects ex-pects to leave for Provo in about 'three weeks to make permanent residence there. Frank Aliles returned from his cattle ranch in Arizona Thursday, and reports re-ports cattle looking much better than when he last visited them. "Heavy rains have fallen in that section and grass is beginning to show," said Air. Miles M. J. O'Meara located the Apex Extension, Ex-tension, The Apex Extension No. 1, The Apex Extension No. 2 and The Apex Extension No. 3, in the Tutsa-gubet Tutsa-gubet AliniDg District. The locations were made on June 20, and the same were recorded here on Friday, the 14th inst. Our reporter dropped into the old St. George Hall Thursday evening to hear the Brass Band practice. 8:30 was the time set for practice, but it was after 9 o'clock before sufficient members mem-bers showed up to start, even then only about one-half of the members were present. Come bandsmen, practice is necessary to success. Samuel L. Adams, Jr., and wife returned re-turned from Provo last Saturday. They attended the funeral of the murdered officer, William Strong, who was uncle of Airs. Adams, while there. Air. Adams says that the amount for which he sold his one-third interest in the Dixie group of mines is $22,500. He has bought the Beesley farm of twenty-five twenty-five acres, situated on the Springville road, near Provo, and has rented it out. Mr. Adams thinks it probable that he will remain here and interest himself in other mining property. The second hatch of silkworms raised by Hermann Fascher from this year's eggs commenced spinning last week and are doing nicely. The cocoons, while not quite so large as the first crop, are of excellent color and shape. The successful raising of the second crop of cocoons proves that the dry-heat dry-heat of this section is favorable for them, as high temperature it averaged averag-ed over 100 degrees all last week in the rooms where the worms are usually kills the worms. The worms were only twenty-two days old when they commenced com-menced to spin which accounts for small size of cocoons. j WASHINGTON ROLLER MILLS will start up not later than the 20th inst. prepared to do all kinds of milling business. All people wanting Hour from old wheat come early. NOTICE The Y. M. & Y. L. Al. I. A. conjoint conference for Beaver, Garfield, Kane, Iron and Washington counties, will be held at Panguitch lake on the 23rd and 24th insts. Docker & Co. today received a shipment ship-ment of peaches and apples from St. George, Washington county, which is the first shipment to be made by rail from that point. The firm is trying to work up a trade for Southern Utah points. Provo Enquirer. Manager T. Klepetko, of the Boston Montana Alining Go., sent a dozen ornaments or-naments of pure copper to Miss Le'ttie Nel son last week. Thev were of elegant design and very pretty, and were intended for distribution among friends that Mr. Klepetko recently-made recently-made here while visiting the Dixie mining property. G. F. Decker informs The Democrat man that his house has received a large shipment of peaches and apples from Washington county, and another is promised. 0-l::g to the near approach of fhe railroad Washington county should have the effect of soon shutting out California shipments of similar fruits. Provo Democrat. A caucus was held last Saturday evening to nominate a school trustee for three years to succeed Fd. H. Snow, who resigned to goon a mission. Judge Francis L. Daggett received the nomination nom-ination unanimously, and was elected Monday. The following increases in salary were made: Chairman from ?:" to sTo, treasurer ,'!." to $100. clerk $70 to S12"). Attorney-George R. Lund, recently of this city, is one of the attorneys employed em-ployed by the defence in the Strong shooting affair at Provo. The accused tramp. Frank Connors, is having a preliminary hearing this week at Provo. and is being defended by Attorneys At-torneys Al. M. Warner and George R. Lund. The evidence thus far is entirely en-tirely circumstantial. Elsewhere in these columns there appear notices from Provo papers of. frr.it from Dixie. The fruit was ship- 1 ped by ;.muel Knight of Santa Clara, but wa- v--rv much below the average of Pixie fruit, as the boxes for pack- j in.g arrived about t u '"ays too hue to ship the best fruit, besides which the fruit this year is net uo t , . il-n ii-oml'.' or. ill"' to the dr, iit'U I |