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Show WOOLLEY LUND & JUDD SAINT GEORGE & SILVER REEF, UTAH. We carry a full line of lining Supplies, Dry Goods, Groceries, Farming Implements, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Gents Furnishing Goods. Under the old firm name, Jas. Andrus, Mgr. ,0.0. 00. 00. 00. . r.0--". .,.--'. cr. I The St, George Co-op, 1 y Is now making a specialty of all kinds of I MfPPO QIIPPI ICQ $ : Also Farming Implements of all descriptions, f i Wagons, Mowers, Rakes, &c. I J AVe also carry a large stock of I GENERAL MERCHANDISE, I to DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, j $ HATS, &C. 4 We handle nothing but Good Goods, and ifo Guarantee Entire Satisfaction. f y Prices Bed Rock. (f 1 Try the Old and Reliable Go-op. I -0-0j-00-0-000 '00-00 '00 '00-00-00 '-00-00 -00-00 -00 '00-0 -0 11. G. IcQuarrie & Sons Have just received a nice line of Men's and Boys' Fine Summer Shirts, Ladies and Gents. Hosiery, Neck Wear, Ladies' Wrappers, Ladies' Summer Corsets, Pearl Buttons, etc, etc. New Goon's Arrived This Week, We also carry Castor Machine Oil, Fresh full Cream Cheese, Breakfast Baccn, Salt Bacon, A. P. C's Hams, and the-famous Fuji Tea. GROCERIES A SPECIALTY. FURNITURE, PAINTS, OILS, Etc., Etc. We have a Fine Stock of Ladies' Misses' & Children's Slippers, Summer Dross Goods, iislin, Etc, New Stock ot MMii Passengers taken to and from RAcdena On Reasonable Terms. .Vlrs. Addie E. Price - FURNITURE, Weill Paper, House Furnishings, Baby Carriages, Undertakers' Supplies. Sterling Washers, best made, call and see them. E. B. SNOW, " Are now prepared to ; do all kinds of Milling lMQ08!nft'ffin busineas and will sell ydOWfl&lUll B at the Lowest Prices. 3 Wo will Deliver all 3 I ft products Promptly. rr ROLLER ralLLS luiuMUiMiuiutuiuii W I Job Prii?tii?g i H and Newspaper Office, a B SAINT GEORGE, UTAH. . - y?Z t.-- Subscribe for the Home Paper. j; YvYddin: f';ml.'.. Yi-il ing ( 'aril: , S GOOD inviiaiious. ! FAIR I work . price f B 'iinls, .!:. :ri . CJTY DRUG STORE, JAES AINDRUS, Jr., I'ropritMor, Patent Medicines, Drugs, Cigars, Candies, Stationery, Perfumery, &c. PYMM HOUSE, St. UEORGE, UTAH. JOHN PYMM, Prop. HEALS REASONABLE. Also (ieuVr in. Jewelry, Stationery, (Groceries. Etc. Amik;imni;i for Headache. Neuralgia, and Seiatic I'ains. Sure Cure. A. R. WHITEHEAD & SON DEALERS IN General Merchandise. We also order Furniture, Carpets and Wall Paper on commission. St. George, Utah RiO VIRGEM MILLS The machinery at the Rio Virgen Mills, situated in Washington, Utah, will bo shut Idovin from June 1st to September 1st, 1899. j The store will be open as usual. The company has a large stock of Cotton and Woollen Coods on hand and are dosir-! dosir-! ous of exchanging them for wool, giving the j Highest Market Price for the same. ' Correspondence solicited. PiOKEER MiLLiNERY SHOP. To idecn. t.p oe' emtner tock and make room for Fall Goods we will sell all 01 our remaining Bats & Trimmings ,,. At Greatly Peeduced Prices ' lose wishing these goods would do r1 to exainiii,. I 1i.mii. Hrs. JirJir) A, Pncc. Those wishing a HAT for the 24th of July, remember Kva Price has some left yet and they are o-oing at lied rock prices. AT CITY MILLINERY SHOP. |