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Show 'XOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. No. 4372. Department, of the interior, Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah Notice is hereby, given toXWgt to make final proo; m support of his claim and that said proof will l. made -nn-e l e County Clerk of Washington County, Utah t St. George, Utah, on March 17, ioihi L- ' GEOlitiE A. Mil LETT H. E 12157 for the S'i Kliij 10. ' Wi, Nw,, Sec 11 Tp 43 S E lo W. lie names he fo llmvin- TsvAcr 1'iiaxk D. llorr.s, Kcgister' Isaac C. MAcF.vm.ANE. Attonu-v. "-i. I'U-st publication February 10,' 1900. |