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Show Fh'OM INDIANA. m.iin: f: s. v.'mij.i.in vi;rn:s OK 111-; M lSSUlN AttV rXl'l-'IMKNt K.-i. Sinee wi i.ii'.j last we have had our eonf,-re:iee: iu whieh we had a good time with ttie faints and friends There were twenty elders in ai tendanee, in eliuliu President L. A. Keh-h of the Northern states mission; it. reminded me more of a eonferenee at home more than any we have had siuee I have been on my mission. Wo had four Motors to help us wit') the sin.u'in;, while Sister Esther Cordon played the orqan for the eonfereui-e; it was more like the ehoir of our Stake eonrereuee than the elders sin-in;- alone would have been. It was a time of rejoh'injr for the -Saints, some of whom eame from Warwick eounty to attend. President Pres-ident Keleh vb-it. them at their homes and labors with them, thus stren'th-enine; stren'th-enine; their faith. At the Priesthood meeliny held November 3rd. the elders received their appointineiils. 1 was appointed to TO to Vincennes. Kuox county, and open up a new held. We arrived here last Friday about 2 p. m., and found a place to stop at that afternoon, but had to stay at -a hotel that night as we could not get our room until next day. Vincennes is on the Wabash river, and, I am told, is the oldest town in the state of Indiana, and was a French trading trad-ing post at the time of the French and Indian war. Saturday I took a walk across the bridge into the state of Illinois; it was so cold that we did not go very far. The Wabash here is about thirty yards wide and is deep enough for small steamboats to run on. Wo called on the editor of the City Star, had a long-talk long-talk with him. and gave him a copy of the Voice of Warning and a tract; he seemed very liberal in his views towards to-wards the Latter-day Saints, and a man of broad ideas. Ira S. McMullin, 610 2d North St., Vincennes, Indiana. |