Show PETITION fOR A CHANGE IN Action Taken by Murray Business Men on Smelter Smoke moke Problem HOPE FOR A REHEARING hue People of th aUlY aIly by V Ihl Smelters Go GoTh I Th The ot of the tho Murray I to the tho long controversy the tho smelter moko tn has hasal al the tho shape shalo of t a net lion Ion to he be d among sIgned the the tho smelt VIJO ci asking for tor It t change In tIme tho decree MCIe permittIng thorn them tl I continue to ate alt MAY o I 08 The Tho questIon binges now on or II the tho or the tho valley allo will by theIr executIve commIttee which I hBO n 0 stanch II t tany any change or II will vIii tho they their since th the or of having the tho smelters leave the Iho y has arl arPen cn rio rho petitIon by tIm Murray Dustiness mon anon hOl hojo to secure curu or of the tho petition LI sa ISIS Cure ture U a tur with a change In the decree Is a as follows II J IN FULL IULo TO o tho Committee ot of the tho Stilt Ial Lake o Valley Parties to the Iho InjUnction Suit t the tho lit of Salt Lake Inko We the tho under ro irOl urty orty owners owner taxpayers lit fit Salt LaKe county count Utah sen nt I wo we 1110 parties plaintiff III hI the Iho suIt lenlIng jut In the courts thus tho ot of Salt valley thu tho stilt ull ot of Rd trey tray ot Ct oh III vs the tho American SmeltIng and ond HelloIng company et el nl ni and corn com commonly us 1111 the tho Injunction cult 01 the tho bIg smelter suit we joIned IS as Parties to stand stilt with thc impression s lon anti that thu oh ob was to requIre the tho to 1010 care ot of their and belIeving that such n a thing 1119 we believed nod belIeve sornO HOlM bl bade ls upon which an nd ad ot of differences the tho smelters and farmers could bo be found both hoth continue to 10 exIst and without con and expensive litigation Wo we recognize that the th smelting Industry ot of Halt Hult Iulo has hlf Involved th thus tit of rail 1011 lIns ot of dollars anti that In iii the tho opera thou thereof hundreds ot of thousands ot of are aru annually tt tL and put pUI Into cIrculatIon among out OUI lon zena wo we further recognIze that In tb matter ot of ValuatIon taxa LIon nun other civic anti relations relation the tho In try Is nn an Integral awl important I factor anti Ind must not Jot ho ha lightly re DON DONT WANT SHUT DOWN wo we hot when we 10 hatChes In sail suit contemn contern pIli plate Ie expect or desIre nor do wit t now that tho ho right ot of Lion be use with such effect as to require nn an shutdown of thIs Important In and thus disrupt bu business lne opera operatIons lions and unsettle and nil all development antI In vestment uncertaIn even hazardous Jeopardizing Jar large property of ce Snit Salt Lake coon Coun ty t creating eretha It a business we that In Iii u a matter ot of such lIuch magnitude Ii n a for tor further lurther time tinie UntIe should h hi con to before the enforcement ot of the decree unless modified In ot of till nil these things limIt others ot at probably equal or gretter affecting our homes our our purposes our ond euld economic welfare wu ve subunit that It IL I Is will Ise anti and just anti nt at LImit tIme to 10 make mako thIs and to OUr friends elated 1 with us its In thIs matter who may not hot have h as carefully ConsIdered the final reckoning or wise who may lilay not noli iio wholly agree with us wo we respectfully subunit that the and diversity ot of the Inter eats Involved and magnitude and tar far reaching effects nrc Hurll stir that men should be and tive tIlI and wo we aS petitIoners will ever oel pray Another petition Is heln drawn liP up nt at the tho time lime It I is to bo be tomorrow anti will bp be ed to 10 the miners milieu alt all p people dependIng on iii the tho for tor support inking the tho that from SnIt Salt Lake valley alley may mean business stagnation to loll th cIty 11 the tho 11 11 C IS as the smelters mn many move mOl clear a Ill to sonic sIte lleo V MEET SATURDAY Y The executive committee ot of the Farm Farmers rs associatIon 11 meet lIa day to 10 consider the tho question hut but Its members hold that the tho brought up tip b by th the people i toll tull over 01 a 1 year ago anti and It the rs had bath not eon con eluded that the 11 issue vis 18 so vital as ae to o the removal of at the tho In InCase Case callo there thero VI was no other wa way to the m lo problem they the never nevor have hlo the tho fight Thc They urge thirst thus Is not nol said al In a spIrit ot of has hos lIlt but with n a careful measuring ot of values their homes nod and farina mea cured up against the tho financial ot of the smelters Ih Thay declare that It Salt Lakers the CondItIons prevailIng over ocr the Iho valley alle In the very heart or of the richest t lands tn In the west thy they would not 1 against the t for or the they do dare clare the city will he be to under n a cloud ot smoke and that Its growth t to the southward will he be Im nil an the smoke moke belt Is already up to the present n city limit rind line done don Its devastating work this fall In Lib 1111 Liberty ert erty park Realty they R say are PI to sirop the abandonment ot of homes home oil 01 around the tho city and n a ills that oll ought ht to 10 ho Salt I Lakes kos chIef truck will go o out ot of II permanently It If the smelters want wane to tn buy up lIlI the tho affected farms arm they the will h have e to buy tip up the entire valley the farmers declare its value alue Is too great to 10 abandon IL II entirely to the smelting ot of ores when therel so o much on which to locate the th great MUST MAKE ChOICE The time lime has conic come when Salt must choose between h becoming a 1 great smelter town such ns as and glory cion Ing In In such IS as may conic com without a tributary valley or goIng ahead to tr try to rival rhul Denver with i clear Ilk sky ld anti L a climate that has hils not the tho great drawback everywhere In the tho valley vallo and the suburbs of e clouds ot of polon smelter smoke an and nr ar dust They have cast their vote agaInst th the town l idea th thuy di chant and are not going to gIve Rho In Whether the p In any numbers will retain the tho view or of their executive committee ommittee c will be by the s given the petition now I ng and whether or not the committee ommittee c can be moved by the argo l of the tho petition will be known Deter o the meeting on |