Show ON THE TEE RACE TRACK HIM Track nt l Indo lado It Cur or UIO ho Suu au Francisco Del Dec I Tho book bookmakers makers maler today recouped th their lr losew loae at l as It 1 bad day dllY fur tur the favor lies In the Iho tint race the choice of the wIse ones olles was WIUf practically left lert nt at the poet race raco eix anti aud furlongs leers 4 LU Iu 1 won della lIc 11 Sundy 25 13 to 1 second Avo no na I t 8 to 1 thIrd Time 11 25 5 lJ hi JO Joe J harlan nod foule also run ran r race ee futurity abe Hollander lilt 6 l to I 1 on Lu Itose lOt Sandy 0 to 1 Brown 6 to 1 Time lC rl s Lass Mohawk I Koro oro and George Georgo Kilborn 1110 run mn Third race ruco futurity Wit men mall lA Graham ro 20 to 10 1 won Cock Ceck Cocksure sure 1 6 to I Contil to 0 14 ij W IV ifer Go 6 to Ii 6 third Time TIm Hi Snow Joke Jako Ward Aaron J Dr and SI t Denla also rM ran rant t race seven fad Iad fI 07 C Miller 8 to 6 5 won Clan 1 7 W Miller 4 to 1 Andrew 16 Jo ro 4 to J I third nail IrIsh Jew also allo inn tare one all and miles rulles fiaker U 2 1 to t 6 won I ht G 6 to In J 1 Irne let to I 1 Honar Th Only Way war J Jack ck Little Chablis ane and also aho mu race and tift lUcy WilY way 1 Sandy 3 to 2 VIanI ion 1 lit 1434 U If to second Critical 3 to 2 Monaco Maid Captain II hush UI and Iso Idso rl ran U AT Ar LOS lo Lea Vet Dee weather er brought out I ii large larse crowd at Ascot Alcot A big surprIse came tn in the ond rae race when All took ilmet I mone money at the bog edd or of xi to 10 J L 1 La was wall the Ule but COUld coUI do nil no better than fourth A All I wan all oh the UIO wa way around The Tho went tl to WhO DM ort ott titLe like a shOt ahOt and ond was rut fast First taco Ince Harris Ii 6 to h won wont CotillIon anoker 4 to 6 Harry 1 I to 1 third rd Moor and Ding l ull II 11 ran rail Second race live IIvo flack 2 to I 1 won iy lien Jen Ii 11 10 to 1 second Jao i Kelly Kelty 15 I 1 third Atoka La IA rl 1100 on Demo und ami Mil Mit Mitchell chell also ran sl liC 9 Coane i 3 to 2 won Irish hillh Mall roo Cl 11 to I 1 lot McDanIel Cj to I third 11 First Ill t Peep of the tho den en Phil igee IOU and Taos lau ran uan ranJ J rare mIle and ro 00 lotte 1 I Finn nil 7 1 to Go 0 won Macy Jr WO hoes 6 to t r Chimney 1 3 3 to I 1 third Time Taby rosa also run the Ile nt md on furlongs Green Oen Seal 18 6 to G 6 won J Jj JH H j Laughrey m ill S 6 to 10 5 WilY Kitty lii Talbort Talbert I 7 to 1 third tl St Id gur Cadet Cadot Maid ot of tho Mill and her ber also allo ran Sixth iee six alx I 7 1 to tl I 1 won Wit Wil Willie ne lie 6 to 1 second I and Dt Best 11 Fisher I lieI 15 to toI I third Perry Ferry WIckes Nuns Antar l Halley Elila King PerditIon Sea Seu Seasick sick lck and George Milner also ran NEW ORLEANS New Orleans la IA Dec Dc Ing are tho en entrIes for Friday at tho Crescent City running First race the furlongs Rubber halt lIall hubel e lIe Mo Sister Siller lila Hells or of the South Aunt Joe Joo DavIs Juno Gold Duke Flora Dear ar Winfall l lU Second ace ac mile lr Scott Wild 1 1 Indiana Dr McClure Port Worth Tinker 1111 Marvin Neal Creel Ill lii Third race full fult course LOf Signal I Lulu oung treo Creo lint Harlequin IH 14 11 Fourth taco race live Ihl furlongs Grove aro li 06 Ma ILo aids Alcorn Alcora Laura Lunter nt 1 ICing Pepper W Flower r 1 llIs I Salvage Joo Irth race lI handicap Fallen tt 5 S Do DI hat lAdy B Esther ther John 00 40 Sixth race unil s TAng Lang ford James 16 Lal Lady Charade n CL Lout II Gauze Katie KIlle Powers PS S lilt Hed 15 J I Mayberry Iw 1031 CumB loUICell Lucky Charm ON OAKLAND TRACK Oakland Cal flee Dee are ale the entrIes f tom Jr Friday nt at the ho Emery Emeryville ville track 11 First nit riuo or Of Q a mite mile Skipper UI Black Joe 10 Soledad Mima lUma libson Black Sam Prince NOlI Na Get II ch Quick l 10 n Janice JUlles M 1 second rare e IWo furlongs sellIng 12 Fred Main Lady Laughter Janice Marion U ua i Miss tt P F Neugent lurn hig lush Como Coma Al Third race ot of a 11 amile mill mile 1 II Box nox El EI EIdel Elder del der Sir Carter Im Joe Lore Loni Nelson 16 ItC i row Jow shade 10 race handicap II thir of oC B a wIn milu wiling nailing I 6 Shut Shot gu go Romaine lOt Hector 10 8 01 1 1001 FIfth race bus ne e tIC sellIng 12 Vaughn Varro Ihn Captain Burnett Alma 11 hey or Driers Ella lIo 11 1 RolIn Sixth race ono one mile and Q a furlong turlon sell sellIn In lag W D 13 Oaths flay tny huh lilli lQ WITH THE DUDS Stockton Cal Ca Dee Dec t send nd gave Fave II a good ten round tight before the National Athletic club this evenIng hull had the beAter beller ot of the first latt ot of the tho battle battlo but Ed Edwards ware wards clUne caine with mth a rash lit Let the end evened up matters lOut Austin defeated Young SmIth after n a terrific fight In which Smith hooted floored Au Austin lIn In the round rotund Wd 1010 George e was gIven tile the decision over nver Franks ot of Oakland In the ninth round on ona a foul toul |