Show CONGO AND C CAnDINAL RD NAL GIBBONS GIDDONS Oregonian A feature olun ot of a lilt late report Is III the ot of Cardinal Gibbous the or of gri 10 nl 1 by the Leopold ot of tnt In the country this monarch sic ILl II a wise ruler It Is Istran tran that CardInal bona In regard to the ito treat taint nl lit till natives by the soldiers ot of ICing Leopold III lei n his sanction slitter 1 ito 0 materially from Cram those that hn inca In Wn ton lOll h by the tho government and by through reputable nals and periodicals throughout this country l Wo IVo a t sInce It i WI rain II a taken b by s the amid printed In II a ln 1 1111 natives t 1011 were Crr III ii of If no 1 a Sore lor th all on art to the Iho lI ol wIth care CUI toes or feN feet JI from rom the Iho bod body the work ot of the soldiers 1 ho permitted l If not nol l to 10 these barbarities use a pen In pena a ity for tor not lIot In rubber to m et the Ihl ot of the kInge company and I j a warning of 01 what others expect who trifle rail in 0 render the required tribute to this ivest INt atrocious or of |