Show KANSAS OLOR DO I IRRIGATION Dec n ot today began tho ro butting argument tor that slate III tho Jue on trIal Ih tho court ot Iho United HIs liS Intend 11 to hI of waler ho 1180 that under the com non In tho Rp He that ven under tho lull the tit lo hilS J to use bor for under of or Jle do dared 11 no 0 how that Buttered an only real question Involved ho In tho Interest ot wall mudo b HI Joel 10 Vallo f lenver who cont that the court with exIsting taw und as a lO oC the d Col IWO proceedIng under the of and under the common nw regulating right but cd n lelent of court Jr the laller to show that even tho commOn law Is comIng to be t 40 ae to It conr to Ind lie said In CaRe court held that n rIparian wAter tor the Irrigation 01 lands And riparian andl 10 the ot thO hed of a given H MId Mr Ie true case or talis oleman of Kansas Col lowell Ir Valle to tho Colo ado contention thal that could not be made the tn the proceeding 1 of le ape tor made tho last ot hJ a plea tor an 1110 of tho IS the and urR d ot tho court to 10 tho III the Of water tho proper for ho or the hot we ant la and nol mo monopolY he lilt When Mr Smith conclude the court took Iho case under |