Show CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE MAY SPLIT IN TWAIN Chico Chicago go Dee The TrIbune today says The Tho ChIcago board bourd ot of trade lusilo the thEl graIn ot of the is 18 In danger of In twain as the tho result ot of tho th dissensions for months have taken attention front from the tho and made the floor of Jf the tho a IrI cat d do bating school Two by the membershIp yesterday M the movement which has haa tended toward a a break In the ranks ot of the heard fur for several everal Unless a radIcal e occurs there will wille be e two beanIe ot of In a feT months One amendment volel oled down for tor the of claims against members who are In debt and the compulsory transfer of theIr membership This change chango was wall intended to do away wIth the class tf of members tho ho In the tho words ot of an ore are only of a trading cud cirul and It a lead pen d uti It Is that bad busIness has lidded added to the number II of ef this chase Until there thero are several hundred of them oH all tryIng to live ort of the ot of others In the tho brInging of here The vote oto at was lIttle hope to give gle B a chanco to collect out Of the membershIps of debtors for or voted against the change while only IZI favored flored It another amendment by which out ot of town would be b to vote by Instead of et In person went nt the tho same Mme wa way th the vote ate on thIs ion being I 5 tar Cor Thu rho VOteS vote that Illat the local trailers trailer were In absolute control of et the board boord and ond were certaIn to ete t their at the tho election now choSe cloe at hand For the first time tn In several manth the members some unanimity and It was ai 1111 I strong wire huc Und mn men I 1 |