Show art w 1 b LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS the oaid crop of liay w bung 1 iu A and 1 ady for table abc club meeting frilay ni glit june 2 misa be acie left sunday for Bing liAm to work mrs tom bacal of salt lake city is here ft mrs tanner of washington is liebic string etli her john cannon unturned S from herc he hid been herding J 1 and joe woodbury returned friday froin the ittle dm u at bull vallo born a aon to mr ind mrs john juno isali ill concerned doing camilla woodbury Wood lUry i number of glicr lady friends friday affer noun 1 u olic leavitt of G unlock vis in ton alio litter pirt of I 1 ack returning friday afternoon born pound son to mr and mra brig june unconcerned doing macly W the telephone exchange will re vt main open from 7 a m till rpm daily until further notice 7 t t Y h attorney D II 11 morris returned k from arizona sunday lie hid I 1 icon there on business w A load of ha tipped ocr lat friday thi otting the driver gordon and cruising hru ising lum mr and mrs andrett gregerson Gri gerson r of Iel iellene leue lio biad been violt fay y ing relatives liere left for their c home monday mrs 1 miss clara holt and francis W I camat all of giblock ero in tohei alic latte r part of last V dot the young frienda of miss acs abc met at her linnit 1 afternoon and aa miss bensic gardner n number of iced s dt homo imbt 1 Q ice cream u as and a good time enjoyed county cical issued i alst to john henry grif and mis bosc tobler bogli of S int i clara left 11 satur to isit and was ac ly her mrs R cartti andion don the to sunday II 11 thorl from trip ao 10 washington chunh hit k they mot of the in tint county a taci bitell alie virgin oil aa boino f alic imich talk cd of bag biml honic etli iron county 1 1 4 llor to ahe wife dim ohi don june 2 MM john rhonar who hae been co ill ie icv alic co op hie put up a new awning ocr its stoia front mi i atkin a few of her aladj fi lends at glicr lipiac bat friday coning its biggio of leeds in towie alic latici part of and returned sunday snow returned from silt lake cit lie had been haing his acs mibs M iud biglar ha returned from pinto ft hero sho biad been ith her aunt alie inter illa ethel jims saturday from silt like city where elie hid been taking the en il service misses sirah miles and manila to sunday and spent a ver pleasant dai with their frici uh prospectors be permitted to escaich for oil on land set aside m southern utah for the uso of the alabab and pluto indiana until notice Q vim open for to 9 00 p m except gundaya Sun daya st georgo drug co mrs addie E bracken left monday for gunlek to tike M braccina Brac kina biby to mrs bert truman M lio ill take of alio child mr and mrs KO condic left for their homo at cedar city sunday after spending several da cry pleasantly and friends here mr and mrs victor huntzicker left wednesday for salt lake city mrs huntzicker v ill proceed cast to spend the summer luth hurrah for alie girls they hs 6 a bind and acin busi ness wo kiy look for u good from them at alie fruit festival in the fill steril oung people of and brt irain ann arid mano mcmullin and mag RIC and gcorge alstn er odon from leeds alio litter i of lafit 1 and laurence sno hillian hector mccu arril and sam broils cilc domai mandiv knolk ind left to a alie other of the survey ing parta of hurricane A br 1 bind ft a organized at the home of iss camilli woodbury evening ciglio tikon the bidic gace been diligently practicing cottam is the leader J st Launt cn of anul 0 0 riad cicro last b to sigild dais lookin alio coun to he M ill abit the lown alio river and in the mudd nver biliti mill probably lind and 1001 up ieng projects ay vv f lor ache 14 bibb leave out south to kit to diio albut axt 1 filed the cit mrs james ji 14 been ill 01 boino time but is on the improve born i da lighter to alio eife of georgc itic juno 23 all concerned doing nicely the feht wani relief his discontinued 14 orling until september ranger mit bloody is moving 1 family to 11 to bhend the summer arg jepson of huma a the fore part of tho hero frank bendley and difo returned wednesday from pioche alicy biad been for several months henry cannon thrown from u tuesday afternoon and was badly bruised he is nicely wilbord ill biach music in the woodward next winter AIL are arranged for except the principal stake relief society officers mrs cornelia brooks and mrs mar jams hae gono up the to isit ohp organizations and expect to return sunday dr feancis campbell leaves for long beach california wednesday next and wishes to the people of southern utah for their liberal patronage dr will return to st george in september |