Show mormon battalion vet dies at hurricane hurricane june 21 andrew J workman a disio pioneer and a member of alie mormon battalion tiled hero laba the buet he AOS apparently in his health until a few da a before his deatle hen ho was stricken with of ins right side lohnig the use of ills right arm and right leg hie funeral ws bield here on and lie va bunca at virgin he a diio and quite a large family of child and ilia son M of WAS notified of his death and arrived lacre in time for alio funeral i we acro disappointed last ivack became bec aue alie ball guno asa to be 1 ed by the st george tc im and i atam from up tins ay f fulcd to take place some from other loiuis to aeo it manti workman to the bom aw null the other day to log ho to be all summer Ur eters St cart and inov are doing v eying for alie mant south of hurricane jolin hastings returned from lund sunday with for the local stores J W imlay lias gone to dolob to look after his interests there angus a of st george nas een in dovra saturday |