Show sei ti i r f j r f W bellevo that in making jewelry it hould be built from tha inside nd not merely in an outside finish this Is why our boods are better nd we have our reputation SALT LAKE CITY UTAH remington typewriter for sale no 6 1908 model good as new A bargain at 55 WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION SALT LAKE CITY HARRY J ROBINSON ATTORNEY AT LAW juda building silt lake city 1 30 california hound trip A it contemplating any coast tour write at once to kenneth ken D P t 4 A salt lake route S main salt r lake city 30 california hound trip it contemplating an coast tour i write at once to kenneth kerr IX P ff A bait lake route 8 main sail lake city 30 california round trip it contemplating any coast tour write at once to kenneth kerr D P A salt lake route main salt lake city PUBLIC STATEMENT r y public Official County treasur Tre aur of granbury A A ns county treasurer e granbury hood co texas say years ago a arwe fall injured my hl beys rom that time i vas bothered with chronic lame bach aaa disordered action 0 the kidneys helped to make life mlee for me A friend sug my dalae boan s kidney which I 1 did with thi most r suits I 1 made a public statement at the time ins doan s kidney pills and am gla to confirm that statement now sold by all dealers BO cents box poster milburn co buffalo N Y certainty convenience economy never has there been known a caw where MUc hells eye salve haa not given notable relief A pure harm s salve tor application to the furtaw of the eye lids the simplest ot with wonderful results the price a 25 cents places it within reach ot all all druggists sell it NOT DRUGS food did it after using laxative and medicines from childhood a caw 9 chronic and apparently incurable bob yielded to the scientific boea grape nuts in a few days from early childhood I 1 with such terrible constipation that t had to use laxatives continuously ging from one drug to another and ws terling more or lees all the time A prominent physician whom suited told me the muscles of th B costive organs were partially P and could not perform thear work without help of some kind I 1 have tried at different times about every laxative and cathartic but found no help that was at all po manent I 1 had finally become aged and had given my caad up W hopeless when I 1 began to use the af pf digested food grape nuts although I 1 had not expected food to help my trouble to my wt surprise grape nuts digested from the farat and in a J days I 1 wag convinced that athla W 1 fust what my system needed the bowels performed their aton regularly and I 1 am now plemely and permanently cured wl awful trouble h the power of im bluet be unlimited reason to riU t tvr ria th M ono far ahm tl r tam dewi te wi t SS |