Show Sp springdale ringdale people are canning fruit juno 21 F D gifford has gone to lund after freight he expects to bring louis cray ford and wife homo him james crawford and family also wm W flaagan hao gone to dolob to get potatoes I 1 H langston and family lue gone on aho mountain to spend the bummer miss amda langston lias returned home from alie mountain oliver larson lias returned from alie people are busy canning fruit remember in anything for publication in this piper to attach our signature to it restoration TO ENTRY linda in national forcht notice is hereby given thit alie lands lichow 54 acres alie national const utah ill be subject to act aliment and entry under the provisions of alie homestead las of alie united states and alie net of june 11 HOG 34 st it at alie united lind at silt S like city rutih on august 16 1909 any settler ft ho vas actually and in good filth dinning ans of said linds fur agricultural pur puri i u prior to 1 and lias not abandoned same lias a preference right to m 1 entry fort helanda actually occupied baid landa acro listed upon alie applications of the person mentioned below atho am a preference right subject to the prior right of any uch lucli pettier or applicant is qualified to mike and alie eglit is 1 prior to august 16 1909 winchi date alio linds mill ix to mant and entry by any alie lands a anict aich sun cud ill probably bo within acca 1 and 12 30 S R 15 W S L M and das fullins it no 1 alio corner of T 38 R 16 W baw N ai 1 minutes E 2 feet afi 30 E 81 feet N 36 degrees W feet N 79 degrees id minutes 1407 feet chinco N 59 dokmeci 15 minutia V 1128 feet N 17 degree 30 minutes E 70 feet W 1400 fut 17 degrees 30 V 1944 fact S 2040 fact to the place of Iw ginning containing 81 acres listed upon alie application of john whippie of pine utah ft ho 11 anor to cristion cria tion of daic national dorest alb blut vlut will probably be the SE of alie of be and alie SV ol 01 SE sec 2 T M SR 10 W aco acice application if arthur blackm of pine valley utah FRED DENNET of jthn ciencural Cien cral land office iby W 19 Aitt Mit 0 the interior I 1 W |