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Show Here's an Answer to ' S School Hat Problem By RUTH WYETH SPEARS $ M. S. writes: "I followed ths f directions in Book 2 for a fabric t hat and it was so satisfactory that I wonder if you could tell me how ; to use a piece of woolen material that I have to make a hat for my ! little girl who is just startins tn school?" 8 w Here is a cunning schoolgirl hat that's easy to make. You need j two pieces cf goods one for the hat and one for the lining. They may either match or contrast '0 Each piece should be 1-ir.ch lo-ger 1 ' than the measurement around the largest part of the child's head, ';fi The depth of the pieces should be " ' half their length. The diagram at ; the upper right cf this sketch i'j I shows how to make a paper pat- tern for the hat. Cut a square i ! piece cf paper H-inch wider and j deeper than half the head meas-' meas-' urement. I.Iark point A on the right edge half way between the -; top arid bottom as shown. Points -" j B and C are marked at the center ': top and bottom of the paper. The : dotted lines are guide lines to help -" shape the curved lines between A r-I r-I ar.d B and C and D. Point D is the center front cf the top cf the i hat pattern and is placed cn a - fold of the goods in cutting each . of the two layers. The diagonal . ; line from A to C is the center back .-. seam line. Stitch the back seam cf both hat . -and lining and press it open as a'. -E. Now, place the two pieces right sides together and stitch as - at F. Turn right side out, baste I along turned edge and stitch as at G. Gather the top as at H and ; finish with a ribbon or a stitched ' fabric bow ar.d a feather. NOTE : Use what you have cn ' : hand to make things of real value. -"' ; ; You can save by doing instead cf - "-. "-. doing without. Mrs. Spears planned Bock 2 Gifts, Novelties and Embroidery to help ycu. Every page contains complete, ;-! ;-! clearly illustrated directions for -', things you can make at almost no ! cost. Enclose 25 cents and address . i Mrs. Spears, 230 S. Desplair.es St., . |