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Show DIXIE POWER COMPANY voTH'K OK SPECIAL MKKTINO-OK MKKTINO-OK STOCKMIJl.l'KIW v,,T!('K IS HKICKHV GIVEN that , ,',,,-rn.l i.i.-.-tinK f Hi" Htockliolders ;,, m.xiK rmvKR com pan v. I corporal l,,n lias been culled by , ii. ..mi or Dil ator "f '' 1;i,rf,",r; aM iin,i Hi,,l uieeliuK will be held ut It'.H,,,, No. 2HU I" tl'" N'!Wl"' ,,!,, r,er ot Main Street and ExrUw. Place, In Salt Lake City rial,, on Wednesday the Htli day of J.uinnry. 1.'-. at o'clock p. M .Salil special meeting I called and will b" li t-ld fur llHi purpose of con-Hlt-rluK iiml voting ni'on a proposal lo aiiniiKl Article 111 or thn Articles or Incorporation of DIXIE POWER COMPANY by liirrenMing tlio authorized?'; author-ized?'; cnninlativi! dividend preferred capital Hlock of tlio corporation In I.'oiii- Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, divided Into Forty-five Hundred Hun-dred shares of the par valno of One Hundred Dollars each, thereby mak-niK mak-niK the total authorized capital stock or the Company One Million Dollars, consiHtlnK or Four Thousand Five I I ii ml red shares of 7','c dividend cumulative cum-ulative preferred stock, and Five Thousand Five Hundred shares of common stock, all shares being of the par value of One Hundred Dollars each. LAFAYETTE IIANCHETT, Secretary of DIXIE POWER COMPANY. First Publication, December 18, 1924. laist Publication, January 8, 1925. |