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Show The KITCHEN i i CABINET I L ...J ICO. 1X20. Weitern ewsDper Union.) Then welcometeach rebuff That turns earth's smoothness rout'h. Each sling that bids nor sit nor stand but go! Be our Joy three parts pain! Strive and hold cheap the strain; Learn, nor account the pang; dare, never grudge the throe! Browning. SUGGESTIONS Keep a dish of lime in the ice chest, or a few lumps of charcoal, to absorb the odors and keep the 0, I! air sweet. 1 rvJ r Use tne 011 of cltron" '''Sftijl e"a around you If OJXH troubled with mosquitoes f 3 I V and other biting insects. 2-L2-j Pennyroyal is another fBlJAJl good oil. If troubled with ants, sprinkle tartar emetic around the places where they seem to enter. It is a poison, so keep it away from food and pets. Line bureau drawers with wall paper and cover the bandboxes with dashing colors in stripes. They will look as smart ns the expensive boxes bought at the milliners. When making jelly dip a leaf of rose geranium Into the hot jelly, to give the delightful rose flavor to the finished fin-ished jelly. When making layer cake, put a few leaves on a cloth and turn the fresh hot cake over them. The cake will be delicately flavored and scented. In placing bird boxes it Is well to remember re-member the tastes of different birds. The wrens like their tiny homes not more than twelve feet from the ground, while the martin likes apartments twenty twen-ty feet from the ground. Never soak fresh fish in water before be-fore cooking. Dress It and wrap In a clean cloth and keep cold. Laying In water softens the fish and destroys the tiavor, this Is true of any fish, flesh or fowl. Use a small safety pin for a bodkin if one Is not at hand, to draw the ribbons rib-bons through one's lingerie. If shoes pinch, dip a cloth into hot water and apply to the spot that pinches. The hot water expands the leather and helps to remove the tightness. tight-ness. If troubled with an enlarged Joint, use a small V-shaped pad between the great toe and the second one, having the point of the V come at the root of the toes. This throws the joint back In place and relieves the pain and pressure. When one breaks a piece of choice china, do not despair, but prepare a teaspoonful of gum arable; when dissolved dis-solved in just enough water to cover, add enough piaster of paris to mix to a paste, rub the edges with this and put together, letting them stand for several days untouched. They will be firm and the dish may be used iu any way as if it were unbroken. Dye faded hose any color to match a gown and save the price of a new pair. When planting small seeds use a salt shaker, the seeds will be more evenly distributed without waste. Seasonable Foods. A sweet sandwich takes the place of cake for a child's lunch and is much more wholesome. whole-some. For nfter-noon nfter-noon teas the sweet sandwich is j very popular. Raisin and Data Sand w I c h e s. Take two cupfuls of raisins, one cupful of dates, and a little lemon juice. Chop the fruit and mix to moisten with the lemon juice. Spread on slices of buttered bread. Raisin anc Peanut Sandwiches. Put a cupful of seeded raisins through I the meat chopper and afcd one cupful of peanuts, chopped, wittri a little but-,' but-,' ter, creamed. Spread on buttered bread whole wheat lis especially good. Orange Marmaladt Sandwiches. Heat cream cheese wJfch a little softened soft-ened butter or thick -cream until soft and smooth enough to spread. Butler thin slices of bread, -spread with the cheese, tl.er. cover wirJi orange marmalade. marma-lade. Orange Sandviohei. Take two tahlespuMiif nls of orjinge Juice, one teaspoonfui of lemrei juice and one cupful of confer! loner's sugar; bent until smooth. Butter wafers crisped In the oven, cool and spread with tin filling, rut logetlier sandwich fashion. Maple and Almond Sandwich. Spread white bread with butter and cover vith the following tilling: Scraped maple sugar, chopped Munched almonds and cream to make a paste. Other nuts may be ued. pecans or i walnuts. Shortcake. Take two tnblespoonfuls f of sugar, three cupfuls of limir. three teuspoonfuls of baking owder, mix J well, then stir In one cupful of sw. et r cream, which has be'-n well mixed with I two beaten egs. Beat and spread ii two shallow pans in bake. Spread with butter when baked and serve with any sweetened fresh frail. Sliced oranges are delirious pouring all the Juice over the bol -:ike. A small freezer ill which a little he cream or frozen dessert may be pre-! pre-! pared and frozen Is convenient; then j set the freezer in the ice box. Tli'o will save repacking. Keinnve the I dasher .vj,. bent the frozen mixtuit down fr.i.i t'-tf sides if the can. |