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Show IJELINQI'KNT LIST OK PROPERTY NOT REDEEMED I Oil THE YEAR 1U20 To li- Sold at Public Auction June 14, by Waslijngton County. In accordance with Sec. 60 5 8, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, We the Hoard of County Commissioners of Washington County, State of Utah, will offer for sale, in separate parcels, for cash, at the front door of the Court house, St. George, Utah, County Coun-ty and State afore said, at 2 o'clock p. m. Saturday, June 14, 1925, sale to continue from day to day, the following follow-ing described real estate, held by Washington County, under tax deed; and on such sale the County Clerk of Washington County, will execute and deliver to the purchaser all of the title of the State of Utah, County of Washington, and of any town or school district interested in the real estate sold. HENRY T. ATKIN, WILLIAM LUND, JAMES JUDD, Hoard of County Commissioners of Washington County, Utah. Attest. WILLIAM BROOKS, (Seal ) County Clerk. Winder, John, Oliver D. Gifford's Survey Lot 9 Sec. 28 Tp. 41, R. 10 9-85 A $51.45 Balser, Louis J., NE 14 NW Sec. 29 Tp. 38 R. 12 40A 23.03 Beaver Sulpher Company, All mineral min-eral right to the following land. That part of the SWV4 Sec. 2 5 Tp. 41 S. R. 13 W. S. L. M. lying East of State Bridge over the Virgin River and described in deed from A. B. fhriefinn o r, uriPrt T 17 Christian and wife to the La Verkin Sanatorium and Resort Co., dated Nov. 28, 1917, recorded in Book U3, Page 30 6, also a right of way for necessary nec-essary road to secure access to said property, and to make use of said mineral right and enough surface right' for a mill sight Sec. 25 Tp. 41 R. 13 Tax $2.35 Western Securities Company SV NWVt, SE ',4 NE Vi Sec. 3 2 Tp. 41 R. 13 120 A. Tax $7.05 Western Securities Company, NE EisNWVi, SWNW, Sec. 16, Tp. 42 R. 13 280 A. Tax $16.45 Western Securities Company, Sectional Sec-tional lot 16 in Sec. 2, Tp. 42 R. 14 40.04A. Tax $1.41 Western Securities Companv, NWi4NW Sec. 36 Tp. 42 R. 1440 A. Tax $1.41 Bunker, Stephen A., John Gardner's Gard-ner's Survey, Sec. 29, Tp. 38 R. 14 W. 31.38A. Pt. Lot 1, B. 3, Pt. Lot 2 B. 4 Tax $23.33 Bunker, Stephen A., ESE NE; E y2 NE NE Sec. 36, T. 38 R. 15 41.67 A. Tax $27.14 Bunker, Stephen A., E1, Sec. 1, Tp. 40 S. R. 17 320 A. Tax $S4.60 |