Show t I i 3 3 DROPS OR WITHDRAWALS WITHDRAWAL FROM A CLASS IS THE STUDENTS STUDENT'S FULL RESPONSIBILITY To drop a class class please obtain a card from the Center office or o a Community Representative Complete the information requested The instruct instructors instructor's sig nat nature re js is not required Sign the Drop Card and return to the Roosevelt Office to be signed by the Director IF YOU DO NOT NOT FOR FORMALLY LL Y WITHDRAW WITHDRAW WITH WITH- DRAW YOUR PERMANENT COLLEGE RECORD WILL SHOW AN a. a Students who have valid reasons for changing enrollment after the l second scheduled class meeting should discuss them with Director I 4 INSTRUCTION TIME Instruction n time is equivalent to campus Ten 1 10 0 mi 50 minute 50 ute periods for ea each h hour hou of credit enrol enrolled led Activity classes are are usually held f for r 20 hours of instruction per credit hour r 41 5 GRADE REPORTS The instructor will send y your ur grades to the Extension Class Division office on Campus as soon as the course has been completed Official report forms will be sent to you from the Office of Admissions and Re Records on r Campus approximately a month after classes finish t 6 SPECIAL CLASS OFFERINGS a a. a AUDIT Students wishing to attend a class for which they have not registered must obtain a Visitors Permit from the office in Roosevelt or or a proper source Fees will be assessed the same as for dents The Visitors Permit must be submitted to the office f before attendance to a class can be permitted No credit will be allowed 7 GRADUATE STUDENTS With verification of a degree Graduate Student Status will be I ledged A student can register for a Graduate Degree Seeking Program on ont on ona t r a non enrollment Some departments do not allow non- non matriculated graduate status Th Those se not seeking a graduate degree but i r t. t taking classes for special purposes are placed in a non-degree non tion 8 INCLEMENT WEATHER I r Classes will be cancelled w when el weather er conditions prohibit professors professor's travel from Campus unless is utilized Cancelled classes will ill be 1 I rescheduled r f 9 ADDITIONAL CLASSES We will be happy happ to offer any class with 1 I O enrollments or mo more e provided we can secure an ari an instructor and proper facilities Please se write or discuss your ideas with the Uintah Basin Education Center 10 TELEPHONE NUMBERS I 2294 Roosevelt Vernal Duchesne |