Show w Elouise Turner attends reunion Friday and Saturday of last week Elouise Turner took her mother Kate Nielsen to Sterling Utah to an EC Charles Family Reunion Mrs Nielsen is the only living member of this family They were accompanied by Vivian Turner of Provo and and Lurline of Ogden The reunion was held at atthe atthe atthe the old home in Sterling that Isby Is Isby isby by Palisade Lake a state park now The lake was originally built by Mrs Nielsen's Grandfather Grandfather Grandfather Grand Grand- father Funk The group also enjoyed seeing where Mrs Nielsen had lived In Ephraim and visited the museum at Fairview Mr and Mrs Robert Turner Vivian and David visited in Bridgeland last Sunday at the home of her sister and husband Mr and Mrs Reed Stanfield They went over to to hear Craig give a report of his mission Tuesday of last week Mrs Robert Turner went to Salt Lake City on business She went via Provo and visited her daughter Vivian who is working at BYU GRACE GARDINER received her Masters Degree in in Elementary Education from the BYU Tuesday evening Marion and Laurie Holmes entertained at a kitchen shower for Susan Smith LaRue Ruth G. G Harrison Hazel Goodrich Dezzie Goodrich and Thelma Manwaring went to the Temple in Provo l last st Wed Wed- After spending several weeks visiting their par parents Charles and Hazel Olsen and family amily Ted and Linda Olsen and daughters left Thursday for their home in Bay Baytown town Texas Nila Murray Salt Lake City visited Wednesday and Thursday with her son Mr and Mrs Keith Murray UNA and daughters returned to their home me in We W West J Jordan after atter spending a week wee lY d Bird accompanied them for or a visit Naples First Ward sponsored a family sand bar party Thursday evening A large group enjoyed a weiner roast games swimming and wading at the Hunting Ranch on Green River A wedding reception was held Friday in the Naples Davis-Naples Second Ward Cultural Hall for or Mr and Mrs Brent Merrell GLEN REYNOLDS made a business trip to Salt Lake City last week Guyla Norton and daughters by Lorna Lorn a Georgia Goodrich and Kate Goodrich attended the Goodrich reunion at Bluebell Saturday Katherine Gardiner a student at spending a week with her parents the Ferris Gardiners and family amily TilE THE MIKE WEBERS and laughter Jennie of Provo were here for or the wedding reception of her sister Mr and Mrs Brent Merrell They also visited Mrs Webers Weber's parents the Garth Attending the the wedding and the wedding breakfast o of Brent and Susan Merrell in Salt Lake City were Garth and Rae Lorin and Norine Merrell Ben and Annette Johnson Yvonne Pope Mrs Steve Shaneen Maurine Richens Louise Louise Mead Anna Lou Erickson Nick and Robyn Richens Richer Bishop and Mrs Mac MacHolmes MacHolmes MacHolmes Holmes and Cliff and Pam Whitmire Here for the reception and visiting the Lorin were Alice White and daughters Carolyn White and Anna Lou Erickson Salt Lake City Mrs White is Mrs Merrell's mother v ow u. u u EDNA CALL son Mike and daughter Andelina Bountiful visited the Garth and attended the reception of her neice Mr and Mrs Brent Merrell Also visiting at the home was Mrs sister Louise Meade Salt Lake City Fernando Sanchez Ogden was a weekend guest of the Charles Ella Goodrich has been a patient in the Uintah County Hospi Hospital tal the past week Mark and Dene Ilene Ethington and children went to Salt Lake City Saturday NORMAN AND JANNA Haslem and family and Glenn and Ada Openshaw went to Salt Lake City and Lagoon last Saturday Mrs Floyd Martin left for or her home in Wichita Kansas Friday morning via Frontier Airlines after staying several weeks at the home of her son Craig Martin WADE OWENS traveled to Salt Lake City Wednesday to attend the wedding reception of Kathryn Marsh daughter o of President Howard J J. J Marsh o of the Venezuela Mission and Franklin D D. D Richards III HI at the Lion House President Marsh was Wades Wade's mission president Elma Lawson Roy Utah is visiting at the As Asael el Haws home Mr and Mrs 1 Tom Perry and family Grand Junction Colorado visited last week with Mrs Perrys Perry's parents the Bill Mortons Morton and family amily Linda Kaeding and children Hawthorne California are visiting at the Kermit Harrison home Ray and Vergie Gee went to Provo Saturday where they met their daughter Lerl Leri Dawn and had a special dinner to celebrate the birthdays birthday of Ray August 18 and Leri Lert Dawn August 19 RAY CUSTER of Pueblo Colorado is visiting the Carl family before entering Ricks College for the coming school year Lowe and Rhea Goodrich and daughter Mary Ruth Caldwell and son attended the Goodrich family reunion at Bluebell Saturday Mr and Mrs Marlin Merlin Goodrich and children of Riverside California were overnight guests of ot Kate Goodrich Sunday Alice Clerico LaPoint visited Nellie Southam one day last week w r I V Venal Virnal Exp 25 23 Thursday August 26 1976 1916 J |