Show l Uintah Basin Riders collarI collar J I district riding club title I a The Uintah Basin Riders of Roosevelt greatly outdistanced i t the Dinah Spurs Vernal j Provo Riding Club Tabiona abiona Conchos Heber Reber Valley Orem Riding Club Pleasant Grove Riding Club Heber Kamas Valley and Twenty One with Oliver Duchesne to take first place in the Utah District Western Riding Club Meet InVernal in inVernal inVernal Vernal last Friday and Saturday THIS FRIDAY Y and Saturday the Utah State W Western tern Riding Club Regional Competition will occur at Magna The state championship will be held in Richfield on September 10 and 11 Capturing first first place in the they y 4 mile event was Twilla Dinah Spurs with a time tim of Following Twilla were Bette Wilkins Uintah Basin Riders second Dave Seeley Provo third Phyllis Bates Dinah Spurs fourth 24 3 and Clarence Mitchell Kamas fifth Don Grange of of Orem garnered garnered gar gar- first place in the yard race with a time of Finishing behind hind Grange were Gale Wilkins Uintah Basin Riders second Levaugh Gines Tabiona tl third rd Clarence Mitchell Kamas fourth and He lie Russell Kamas fifth Blayne Riggle Uintah Basin Riders collected first place honors in the Vs ys mile mUe race with witha a timing of Following Riggle were Wendall Stem- Stem bridge Kamas second Leonie Wright 21 with Oliver third and Don Grange Orem and Wendall Kamas fourth I I I I I I I I I I i I i I I TAKING TOP honors in the mile race was 21 with Olivers Oliver's Marilyn Priest with a timing Finishing behind Marilyn Priest were Lorain Lorai n Dye Uintah Basin Riders second Ron Smith Provo third Geraldine Frost rost Uintah Basin Riders Riders and Phyllis Bates Dinah Spurs fifth The TheM v mile race was wn by byi i IK m n Valleys Valley's all V Wendall 8 with a tl time tiney e oft ofOS 1038 Charles Jenkins Uintah Basin Riders placed second with a time of 1052 Brent Bastian Uintah Basin Riders captured tl third rd place with a timing of 1055 5 Orem's Don Grange garnered first place in the chariot race with a winning time of Charles Jenkins Uintah Basin Riders placed second with a timing of Mary Ann Parrish Uintah Basin Riders pocketed first place in the single poles with a timing Following Mary Ann Parrish were Ted Priest 21 with Oliver second LaJean Uintah Basin Riders third LaNae Merkley Dinah Spurs fourth and Duane Lambert Lambert Lambert Lam Lam- bert Kamas fifth 25 0 TilE THE RELAY race was nabbed by Kamas with a time of 1516 Second place was won by 21 with Oliver of Duchesne with witha a time of 1540 The Uintah Basin Riders Gale Wilkins Charles Jenkins Bryce Moore and Chico Capwell garnered third place with a timing of 1541 Following the Uintah Basin Riders were Kamas fourth 1555 5 and Provo fifth Vernal's Dinah Spurs finished in first place in Class B drill during the parade The Uintah Basin Riders captured second place The Class C drill in the parade was taken by Kamas Valley Following Kamas Kama were Orem 21 with Oliver and Provo IThe The Uintah Basin Riders placed f first in the Class B drill that was held at the Uintah County Fairgrounds The Dinah Spurs placed second The team roping results were as follows Heber Valley Scott Webb and Ray Mair first 18 8 21 with Oliver Roger Hicken and Bill Young second Uintah Basin Riders Brent Bastin and Charles Jenkins third 32 0 Orem Kim Buckner and Jack Davis fourth 38 5 and Provo Dave Seeley and Ron Smith fifth 45 0 Cliff Corless Provo pocketed first place ce in the cow cutting event Following Corless were Richard Peterson Dinah Spurs second Ray Mair Heber Valley third and Jack Leavitt Uintah Basin Riders fourth Tom Casey of 21 with Oliver nabbed first place in the mens men's western pleasure Jack Leavitt of the Uintah Basin Riders placed second Following Leavitt were Dave Seeley Provo third Chico Capwell Uintah Basin Riders fourth and Bake Young 21 with Oliver fifth TIlE THE RESULTS of the wild cow milking event were as follows Uintah Basin Riders Gale Wilkins and Gerald Dye first Tabiona Wayne Robb and Doug Price second Orem Don Hardman and Jack Davis third Provo Don Smith and Richard fourth and Heber Wayne Lloyd and Scott Webb fifth Carol Casey 21 with Oliver bagged first place honors in the l ladies ladies' dies dies' pleasure e Finishing r behind Carol Casey were Marilyn Priest 21 with Oliver second Mary Ann Parrish Uintah Basin Riders third Glenda Gurr Uintah Basin Riders fourth and DeAnn Sweat Heber fifth The stock horse results were Theil Atkinson Kamas Karnas first Bake Young 21 with Oliver second Mary Ann Pa Parrish Tish Uintah Basin Riders third and Jim Buckner Orem fourth Gaining top honors in the ladies' ladies barrel racing event was Mary Ann Parrish Uintah Basin Riders with a timing of Following Mary Ann Parrish were LaJean Uintah Basin Riders second Peggy Hicken 21 with Oliver tl third rd Jeanie Wright 21 with Oliver fourth I and Reba Sperry Dinah Spurs fifth THE PAIRS pleas pleasure contest was won by the Uintah Basin Riders team of Jack Leavitt and LaJean An Another ther Uintah Basin Riders squad consisting of Mary Ann I Parrish and Jj Jan Jan t 9 E placed pla ed second Third I iru pla place W was ivas s sWon o G Won by Orem Tom Toni Casey and anCi B Bake ke Young 21 with Oliver garnered gat fourth place Kam Kamas s finish finished d in fifth place The trailer iler r race race ce was won wort by Provo with a a timing Following Provo were Provo second Orem tl third rd Heber fourth and Orem fifth Bill Young and Melanie Yo Young ng 21 with with Oliver Duchesne captured first place in the ribbon pulp pull Following the Youngs were Orem second Dinah Spurs Phyllis Bates and Paul Roberts third Kamas fou and fourth th and Tabiona Don Jones and Doug Price fifth Tabiona's Wayne Robb Levaugh Gines Bart Giries Gides Jole Jote Gines and Tex Glines garnered first place lace in hi the team pole bending event Following Tabiona were Uintah Basin Riders second Kamas third Tabiona fourth and Dinah Spurs Paul Roberts Lola Peterson Carol Rhoades Karen and Leslie Winn fifth KAMAS KAl CAPTURED first and tl third rd places in fn in the key hole race Other teams placing were Tabiona second Kamas tl third rd Orem fo fourth rth and 21 with Oliver fifth firth Orem's Jack Davis bagged first place hon honors in the calf roping contest Following Davis were Levaugh Gines Tabiona second Theil Atkinson Kamas third and Cal Kielbasa 21 with Oliver fourth The hide race results were as follows Bob Russell and Bruce Ashton Orem first 96 98 Levaugh Gines and Jole Gines Tabiona second Bart Gines and Wayne Robb Tabiona third June Merkle Merkley and Barbara Kitchen Dinah Spurs fourth and Richard Peterson and James Banks Dinah Spurs fifth Uintah Basin Riders Lorna Lorn Barker Glenda Gurr LaJean Bette Wilkins and Ellen Riggle capt captured red first place in the team barrels with a time of 1388 Following the Uintah Basin Riders were Kamas second Tabiona third and fourth and Orem fifth I BAGGING FIRST place inthe in inthe inthe the potato race was Orem Finishing bel behind nd Orem were Kamas second Uintah Basin Riders third and Tabiona fourth and fifth The water race was won by Orem Finishing bel behind nd Orem were Uintah Basin Riders Paula Bell Mary Ann Parish iTan ij J n I Edgerton Peggy Capwell Caprell 11 ian r LaJ n second Tabiona Dave Curry Jole Gines Bart Gines Doug Price and Tex Gines third Kamas fourth and Uintah Basin Riders Janet Snow Geraldine Frost Bette Wilkins Joan Pickup and Cheryl Hatch Hatch Hatch Hat Hat- ch fifth Gaining top honors in the pony express contest was Kamas The Uintah Basin Riders captured second place Tabiona placed d tl third rd and fifth Orem finished in fourth place 1 1 jf f J r 1 If 1 r r 4 r t fao r t i J Vf V- V f t t f rt J Arr K i C 1 i T J. J 7 i 1 of L' L iZ t r iZ l h 10 PEGGY HICKEN of 21 with Oliver Duchesne dashes dashes around the barrel during the ladles ladles' barrel racing event |