Show Flying Diamond to drill well near Tridell Lapoint-Tridell A A l foot test of the Wasatch just formation west of f the town of La Lapoint point and south of Tridell Uintah County willbe will be drilled by Flying The well the No 16 1 Ute-Tribal Ute is about a mile north of cf oil production in the Roosevelt field where the Green River formation produces at a depth of feet said Carlton Stowe minerals specialist Utah Geological Mineral Survey Mr Stowe notes that the Flying Diamond location is about three quarters of a mile east of a foot abandoned well where tests were conducted con con- conducted ducted at depths of feet recovering oil and mud The well was abandoned after testing proved the well to be non In 1975 a Wasatch formation discovery well two miles to the northwest of the Flying Diamond location pumped 71 barrels of oil daily The area is approximately 18 miles west of Vernal 10 r IN iN- iN oTi OTHER ER oil and gas drilling activity activity- around the state Mr Stowe says that Chevron Oil is c continuing tests at af a Bluebell field well the No 3 18 State Last gauge was a flow of barrels of oil per day from feet Chevron is waiting on completion equipment equipment equipment equip equip- ment at another well in the vicinity Gulf Energy Minerals drill drilled d to feet total depth at the No Gray Knoll-Federal Knoll in Buck Canyon field about 25 miles southeast of Ouray They are also waiting on equipment for additional work In Sanpete Co County nty Hanson Oil is drilling below feet at atthe atthe atthe the No A A 1 in the Moroni area It IUs is a deep test scheduled to some som feet Drilling continues at several wells wells' in the Pineview field Summit C County |