Show 1170 1 American Civilization Credit 50 Date Duchesne High School am a.m. Instructor Vincent Lafferty The fundamentals of American history Successful completion of this cour course meets the American Institutions requirement established by the State Legislature American Civilization Credit 50 Date Union High School 1 05 pm p.m. Instructor Vincent Vinc nt Lafferty The fundamentals of American History Successful completion of this this' co course course s meets the American Institutions requirement established by the State Legislature t r MUSIC En Enjoying Music MUll Credit 30 Date Wednesday pm p.m. Instructor Warren Burton I IA A course pl planned nned to develop understanding ing and enjoyment of music through hearing and studying selected compositions in all musical forms Beginning Theory Credit 30 30 Date Wednesday pm p.m. Instructor Warren Burton Includes sight singing ear training g reading melody and harmony writing and keyboard harmony Required of all music majors g TDA Community Orchestra Credit 20 Date Instructor Ralph Matesky I Please contact the office for further information J I j POLITICAL SCIENCE d American Government and Politics Credit 50 t I Date Tuesday pm p.m. Instructor Staff I US U.S. Constitution political parties and elections pressure groups Congress president and bureaucracy courts civil rights and liberties and foreign affairs SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENT t Introductory Sociology Sodo Credit 50 1 Lt Date Wednesday Instructor Bruce Bylund How does oes biological man become human How and why men of different cultures control their societies evaluate their behavior and organize as they do Contemporary Scatological Theory Credit 30 Date Thursday 8 p. p pm p.m. Instructor Staff This course examines crucial issues and theories of contemporary sociology and looks at how earlier theorists and more contemporary theorists have dealt with these issues and concepts 11 |