Show CAROLYN WELLS 1 50 iao ae COPYRIGHT WELLS W N U SERVICE SYNOPSIS arilia rat fairfax erfal and corey maiden era ir to be b married the next day at bovell terrace long island inland home born ot of lohn 0 hn Love loell 11 hr her stepfather oath gath ird r od are tour tony Gal gaskell kell bit beat man Is a philadelphia layr hilda baldon emilj arneld of honor and pets pt wilson and bob coles cole friends of malcolm fair fax Pe rillas brother ushers cory corey whose home li Is in to la very wealthy 11 la Is thirty tight eight and twenty tour four but it II li Is a true love lov match Lvery everybody body to b giuy Y aid ing in the th preparations preparation including N jan latimer tin mrs loviia pretty ind and lelent off dl clent social secretary CHAPTER I 1 continued conti aued 2 yaw now my kur lady this to la ohmes and nothing but have an 00 other cocktail to no thank you 00 oo but you yon may dow ow tony ghether uti ether you think me illey or not I 1 want you yon to speak to corey shout about this before they start tart tonight perhaps might be better than to wait till to tomorrow lit orrow chy liy of course I 1 will III what shan I 1 bay 11 1 I ilon don t care how bow you word it just make it clear that I 1 am agrall adral I 1 fr my iny girl it ile ha goes so BO fast and tell him film wont you that you too feel he Is both foolish and unkind to his bride to endanger her safety tl as he so BO often doear does 1 I 1 do think so go mrs lira lovell anil and I 1 III tell film bilm and ask him just shot hat ou Sun suggest lest if he ti Is offended it will III bo be with me vot not with yon ion oh thank you tony YOU youve ve lifted a wel weight ht from my heart of course I 1 hae bae spoken to him film about this lots of times but teats just the ha trouble A thing you harp on like that loses all power of persuasion lu aglon the same bame subject brought up tp by another has far more force 1 I lea es but you know old corey la Is going to see through us oa III I 1 II 11 bet tell bell cay any at once that you put roe me vp tp to saving it all right it he aws lw tell him I 1 did and tell him that you want mant to ad adi add I your persuasion to mine and I 1 do I 1 quite agree that he bits no DO right to jeopardize his wife 8 life whatever wha ha teter he may do with his oa onn n A man has cespon that a bangle man maa need veer think about ury otry well mell oh heres ceres another thing tony ivo ive hail had to put you and corey in the some same room you bee we me expect pete and bobley to stay the night NN e thought they wouldn t come until tomorrow morning so weve been obliged to double up I 1 ve given you and nd corey malcolms room you won wont t mind will youl you set ot a mite seems a pity to turn blacky out though no io indeed hen he more than will ing int din t you eury envy corey atell tt ell I 1 just do arvery artery roan man at the edding will vill envy him married or nott now fow mrs lovell Is there anything else I 1 can do tor for youl you anything about the ceremony t you know abat I 1 in here for lou ou know more about your duties as hist bist man tian I 1 do don t let lorcy corey drop the ring and all that no 0 o go oer there look ing for ou and send abond ml miss catl der to roe me please idres Ih tres res a peacha who t Is the she im mid about her sies a perfect darling dont ever take her away from me ine tony smiled at her and crossed the room to here jane latimer la timer a gally gaily cli chaning alling the bridegroom I 1 mrs lira ivell wants you lattiner 1 lAttin tr fl askell said corot back when hen you can wont youa yes indeed end jane ran away 1 I don t know now how III get bet along without jane told said Ile rills 1 I 1 think ril have to hate buys tier her when villen I 1 let get back slay hay 1 I corey if I 1 can set get her from mother mot herT you may have anything or anybody b ody in the world that I 1 can CAD get fur for ou on now w the sort ort of husband to have said hilda 1 I hopp bopp to goodness lood that a the sort ort I 1 get I 1 you hlll III base if you talef mp me claimed malcolm who as a t ey cy 0 11 1 II I 1 knew was dielly in 12 lose loe t his 1 slaters friend dun don t bother me about it today she he returned airily ive iv one ne aed ed olig ding on tuy my hands now dow and nd I 1 devir consider more than one on atly one adly diy don dinh t take it too hard dear be ed her 1 I id d hate a to hate ae iou to bring mv off properly pirly are you let ter in your T 0 ur pirt part care I 1 or of ue e hase hae B n ati oh hate hae a I 1 I 1 celej am i aho had returned to tl the lp I 1 I 1 ll sach ach fun an tiit iut I ut not a diess reli cars j 1 per uli conie on and nl irea dress for dinner now and we well U hare bay the rehearsal this evening so they all 11 II went to their vart varl ous ou rooms malden maiden ho however weer did no not t appear until gaskell was ass ready to go eo downstairs go co along corey said bald 1 I was wa delayed talking to mr losell loidl ab about 0 ut some monib affairs you go eo on and it im late they 11 excuse roe me and gaskell hurried down don the file stairs after dinner perfila declared the rehearsal should take place at once Is in everybody here that belongs in the procession asked malcolm all but the tenney girls his sister said ald you and bobby run over and get them and well we 11 ha have ve all ready when hen you get back now who for gercys abc make are the tenney girls 1 exclaimed tony my bridesmaids perilla told him darlings and they live just up the rond road a piece the great drawing room was soon arranged and under the orders of bliss latimer Lat laier and mrs biro lovell all the necessary furniture was as put in pla place c e perilla Is iii beautiful sold ald john lovell v the graceful cg ure of his stepdaughter as she ma 1 if I sure things were as she wanted anted thern 1 they all are returned hla his wife 1 I neter saw caw a lovelier wedding group and here are the genners quite in the class with the others kut but coley malden maiden looking at his chosen bride wondered how anyone could see bee any charm la in the others ile he wondered a little at hla his mar luck ile he was waa handsome in a dignified way had all the cour teales and graces of his bis southern breeding but tie he was nearly four teen years older than perilla and years count with a young girl dut but he be knew well viell that his dar ling won was marrying him because of her love for him her dear precious love that left no room for doulat doubt of her fealty loyalty and true sincerity ty to the idea that she was attracted by ills his wealth he pave gave no thought dearly as perilla loved ti I 1 4 i 16 I 1 ll 11 A parilla and hilda were at once sent to dad bd beautiful belongings much as she eared cared for the luxuries of life corry corey malden maiden knew that her affection for him was as the mainspring of her existence now and tl erilla herself knew her own heart site she was man sure of her loe sure of her faith and she aa was as happy 81 a it Is possible tor for it a girt girl to be maidens father was dead and his mother because of incurable arthritis was unable to attend the wed ling so they had planned their trip to include the maiden home in richmond and perilla was as acx IOU ions I 1 to mett meet Mal maddens dens mother as be was as to present his bride the tenney sitters sisters neighbors and iong ion time friends of perilla were excitedly aiding questions and milking making comments they made up the list of the bridal party and as mrs lira lovell ha I 1 little to do in her part she took charge chare dut but the oung people were ere entirely conversant with the aal manners of up to date weil dings and after going through the file maneuvers nan neuTers tica declared the could do it blindfolded the tenney girls escorted by malkolm and iob ib coles colell went merit home early and at mrs inells air m tion Iler liln and hilda were ere at once to ged ced 1 and no visiting lo in rooms or whispered good algote to in the hall ball the 0 pleasant vote voice went on now jana jan you and I 1 will took look after a few little matters and then bed for us too CHAPTER 11 acola and bob came cam home M noon boon i 1 I feel like the dic dickens keus mot mat colm colin arald amid id 14 no idea gettins getting marbled murrl pil meant such aurb a lot of fuss fu jot got any aspirin dad badt I 1 feel fed a nervous headache tien ducho coming on and I 1 baut to be right for tomorrow theres some upstairs son ril rii give it to you when we go up and I 1 think well go now poll don t take aspirin yon old back number advised Oa dashell baskell 1 I ive vt a much better dose made hade up for me by an al A l 1 doctor who knows know his bis busi business sure sura its ita all right asked malcolm quite surel aurel famous doctors doctor prescription 0 n and well ellk known aown client chem lata mak up tony took a small mall phial from M his pocket 1 I always have em cm handy subject to nerr ous oua stopp myself I 1 ill R take tak mine va nov V lie ile took a small mall white tablet from the bottle and wallowed lovied it 14 with a sip lp of water give roe ills one will you said ald mr lovell just what I 1 want all right sit help yourself I 1 want you to have one corey lie ile handed one to maiden and passed him a glass of water mr lovell scrutinized the label oh I 1 know these people doctor and chemist both whatever they put out la is all right give me one for mrs mr lovell will you youl take the bottle air I 1 run ran easily get the prescription filled again thank you tony you are surely sorely a capable best man rm im sure it will do allen lien good now I 1 ira in going upstairs and I 1 advise you to follow pretty toon soon malcolm took a tablet remarking that the house seemed like a danl barlum hurry along said tony we dont want ant to enact the seven sleep ep 08 tomorrow morning they all went upstairs then and to their rooms next morning no one overslept over slept gaskell opening his aea found that the prospective bridegroom was wai already up and in possession of the bathroom take your time old top he called through the closed door 4 and wake me ins up when you come out maiden soon appeared and gave his sleeping comrade a shake tony opened his eyes and looked at him to think he said bald that ive full charge of you for nearly a whole hole day youve got to come when I 1 say may cometh and go when I 1 say get flowre you feeling 1 line I ine t be better your little pellet worked like a charm corey malden maiden went downstairs slowly ile ho was mas a thoughtful sort and the fact out it was as hn his wedding day impressed him more tally man it would anny most of the men were ere at the he breakfast table but the girls did not appear how flow Is mrs lovell tony inquired quI reil and her husband replied aine akine site she took one of your pel lets and she slept like a cherub all night shell be down soon you youngsters better tat eat your break fast now just as they had bad the cater cateress caterers ers arrived and the group at the table rose rone and scattered malcolm grumbling that there ought to be ba a low law against anybody a slater petting getting the men went merit out on the screened porch and drifted ot off to different pursuits all right about the he will asked tony as B he and the bridegroom strolled town down the garden path yes I 1 fixed it with my lawyer to be la in philadelphia tomorrow morning and meet me there here fin it s nil all ready but the signatures and hell lne hate witnesses so I 1 shant shan t need you for that lint hut look after any lintl that comes for me here and forward it if a list of the addresses how flow long lanz shall you be awner ll haven avent t a notion just as an long as ller llla enjoys enjoy motoring about the south all old man and I 1 wont put it in words hut but you know after our years of friendship that hit I 1 wish you yon and her all the I 1 ap appl ness in me whole bin world malden maiden mode made no reply but his handclasp spoke better than now tony said maid resit resuming minx mot generalship better begin to assume the he royal gar mInks you march sir air to the room lo in ani at the same time hilda and jane were trying to get Ier ller llla into her bridal garb arb she waa an ready in good imp ime and a fairer lovelier lo reller bride the sun never looked upon noon came noon went anil and per ilia Ia fairfax tiairra irra waa as now inow mrs corey anallen congratulations over wn served jam james ical eli was as only a faller but no real fattier father could ahnie put more affection an aal I 1 tenderness in his olce when hen tie be proposed tie tic health of the newly married an gave taul mil avi sic ate ond and soon were dine ina aal ruled mrs lovell benj ed the sene one mure lhnn any one else I 1 corey wat was n charming mon man old er than berilla re rilla to be sure lure but la in looks and behavior often younger than his hi years and a man of do da manners scion of one of the first farst antilles of richmond how could he be otherwise thus ran ellen lowella lovells Lov ells thoughts when tony came and sat at beside her itt its bout about time line to bid your baby good by he cald bald gently do you want to take her into some other room I 1 I 1 almost at t the same came moment bob coles coif appeared mr biro lie be sold aid Te terilla Per llla rills wants wanta to see so you alone before she he guei goes and the time Is flying 1 I honk you hob bob III go to her nt at once no tony you bring her to me la in my little sewing room mrs lovell went off and ong jag kell found perilla Ier llla and asked her to follow her mother the girl looked at him pleading ly but as a tony had no idea of what she he wanted if anything he be merely escorted her to the staircase and she he went upstairs clone alone she found her mother awaiting her and mrs ovell lovell I was wai astounded to find with tear filled eyes what Is if the mutter child she he bilked asked restraining her anxiety theres therea nothing wrong Is in there just a bit bad and at leaving the be old home arent you your yes ye atha it if but perilla spoke brokenly and ellen lovell knew the lie words were not true well onell brace up tip now yon must blunt be getting dressed areg fied and remember dear III write you every day and you write me whenever he never you feel like it come dear dont spoil poll things at the last minute it that mummy youre on an the wrong track im not afraid of corpy corey or lonesome for you its it a its it a hob blob coles I 1 abat bat do von mean line lias ho he been teasing you youl more than tensing leasing ile he lust just now whispered to me to remember tha he once told me that it if I 1 married anyone except him he boult kill either cither the bridegroom or rue me or himself 1 good heavens child he mean that you must know he be dian didn t 1 I think he did at the time but today a few moments mornen tS ago he reminded me ins of it and he was masoh oh he looked dreadful well come along dear and get off with corey and forget the very fact that hobby bobby la Is la in exist ence ellen thought little of Fer Pe Hlas rillas fears cars the she felt sure re it was a not nat ural nral nervousness and that nob bob had been merely chaffing her that ho h loed perilla Per llla she ahe knew and he be had often begged her to marry him but perilla was waa a boneman one man girl and ever mines she he had known corey she ahe had cared for mm him it lant dear peril la in said earnestly to her mother hob has been and fright ening all day end and last evening too ask malcolm he noticed it now III forget him and RO go away but I 1 want ant you and in anil to keep an eye 0 on in him will you of course ve me will hlll now will III ion oil bo be rood good they went vent to perilla a 0 onn n room and changed ter beautiful white gown for a russet biovin knitted silk bilk and a modish tint lint llio ahe great hall was waa crowded with the guests eager for a last glimpse of |