Show mary S ahn st iansen early Pioneer Buried mary S christensen native of denmark Dem nark pioneer of salt lake valley and ver nal paws passes to great beyond thursday funeral services held at second ward chapel katurd saturday ay at 1 7 0 clock thursday morning november 21 death claimed the victory for mv mrs mary 8 chris 0 pioneer of salt bait lake city land and the che ashley valley flier a prolonged illness of six weeks of cancer and ailments incident to old age all her children were at her bedside funeral services were wera held on saturday at it 11 a m in the vernal second ward chapel with first counselor chajles 8 carter presiding and conducting the services at the funeral services a great many friends were present to pay their last respects to the departed there were many floral offerings A double mixed quartet consist ing of J clive dais george C davis miss meda walker M mrs ra rose pose walker mrs may henderson um mrs S john walter walker and arthur manuaring miss zelda bangham was banist the following songs were sung oil oh my rather father go where you want me to go 0 dear lord and A tenor solo my task was sung by george C daus accompanied by mrs eva elva E dais dails the Imo invocation cation bah offered by george A and the beneal action by 11 II W woolley the speakers were mere william it II ald Idd donay Ottay and charles S carter ak who ho told of the struggle of the deceased and her faithful faithfulness thru her adversities and the rearing ot of her family interment was made in the maeser cemetery alth E J winder dedicating the grave mary S christensen Chrls teneen 83 was 83 born in denmark 23 lg her father being christian peterson person and her mother karen mattesen Mate esen little Is kimn of her parly early life except that her family and self were ere adherents her parents coming to utah after the emigration of their daughter mrs christensen sailed from Lher liverpool pool england on the lut list sailing vessel to cross the atlantic ocean ith emigrants there were between eight hundred and nine hundred emigrants on board this ship because of storms at sea eca it took teven even weeks and five days to make the voyage to new york mrs mm christensen had left denmark june 5 1368 1868 and arrived in salt lake city september 28 1868 while aboard the ship she was married to liana jensen one of the emigrants upon their arrival at new york the trip by train was made to laramie laralle Lar amle wyo which was at that time the western terminus of the union pacific railroad at abc Larar laralle rde an ox train from salt lake had arrived several weeks before to take the emigrants to the salt lake valley because the storm had delayed the emigrants provisions were at a low ebb and iauch suffering was waa endured by all during the journey mr and mrs jensen with others were ere sent to draper where their first child richard dicky jensen was born because of hardships and other causes mr jensen became dissatisfied and induced mrs mra jensen to accompany him on a homeward trip to denmark on arrival at maila omaha mrs jensen refused to go further her husband in 1875 returned to denmark where he later died she and her three children come came back to salt lake city this time all the dav hv team tam to her family she became an employee of the working in the over all factory tor for a time she married iterman herman Am ambrosen who ho she later divorced after on child was born she was given her maiden name by decree of court in this instance following th danish custom of names her name was christensen titter after the given name of her father being a splendid seamstress she later became tallor in salt lake city for leverberg company tailors of new york city who aho had established tailor shops in many wp western towns she purchased a homo home there during the hard times of 1893 she sha lost her home and as her son dicky I 1 waa established in bust busl continued on page five MAHY S christensen CHRI EARLY continued u fy from OVA page ge t inc arbs in I 1 TV vernal ernal came here in ili about 1894 where here she since mode made her home and also algo al so an independent bining at sewing or selling goods gods until about two years ago whom hen she became a semi invalid but still did her own work until six weeks before her death her hatred of being waited upon made her refu refuse refue e even the good turn desires of boy scouts who time after time tried to do eunide chores for her after coming to vernal she made alterations for the ashley coop and other firms and did dressmaking for private individuals all four of her children survive and were acre here at the time of the death of their mother richard jensen of vernal commissioner of uintah district boy scouts and retired rural route ca canler riter julius demsen st george mrs ca carry rry jensen murray of duchesne ducheane find and mrs maggie ambrosen Ambros cn wainwright df magna the deceased was ns A faithful I 1 at ter cr day saint and cams a worker in n the he relief society of her ward mard lany of her kindly deeds were known khoan only to the recipient and herself tier self she never neer told others of hem chein |