Show H pure preserves preserve Pre erve PUMPS MOTORS 1 T BELTS BELTING 1 MACHINERY headquarters THOMAS ELECTRIC CO 14 1 V hd both alt city ltv HI ARROW BRAND PICKLES at 4 00 U utah ta h oil refining service stations in utah and idaho R pit irm from 1 1 adalka Kc lalica nullis hru c anut t fit will 0 find 04 prompt romp in 11 i An aall ll Ta bletl it if yo your ent en t ap N alf I 1 1 YU tau w nd 1 to t la 19 lah a torim ries grenillo nada N ada and aa thy W r will b mafla po port trucks used now new sen several eral makes models STREATOR SMITH INC authorized chevrolet dealer ath lh south ind and main salt lake lk dry city 1927 1921 G M C wi ton stile stake 1930 CHEV alvi 1 ton tom stale stake 1931 FORD panels or sedia sedan oely daly 3 t mr Tr 1931 CHEY CHEV VA 1 ton furniture van 2 0 50 1933 DODGE 34 ton panel 1933 CHEV III ii ton tom H duty stake 1934 CHEV pickup pick up see se us ml before yow you buy your trick Pos passenger cars 1929 CHEV tudor sedan 12 1933 CHEV 4 door sedan 47 1933 PLYMOUTH COACH 1930 BUICK standard 6 sedan 1931 FORD town sedan 1930 FORD sort 0 out u t of town buyers buyer please plear ants nt streator smith inc SALT LAKE CITY NO UPSETS the ne proper treatment for a bilious child wan THREE mill irm TO I 1 allumns A cleansing dose today a smaller quantity tomorrow less each timp until bowels need no help at it oil all A ANY NY mother knows tle the reason 1 I W when n her child tops stops playing eats little is hard to manage constipation but what a pity so BO few know the way way to set things rihel the ordinary laxatives of even ordinary strength must be ba carefully cue fuLly regulated as to dosage A liquid laxative is the answer mothers the answer to all your you worries over constipation A liquid can be measured the ille dose close can caa be b exactly suited to any ago age or need just reduce the dose each time until the bowels are an moving of their theL ova rown accord and need no help this treatment ill succeed with vath piny any child and with any adult the doctors use liquid laxatives hospitals use tho liquid forra form it it is liest best for their use it is best beat for homo home use the liquid laquil laxative roost most families use is dr coldwells syrup pepsin any druggist has bos it ringworm on head child cried all the time Cuti curs relieved ringworm started with a white crust on Q my little boys boy head then it turned into eruptions and his head wn in ft a terrible way these eruptions itched ditched and when lie ha scratched them they would burn and more broe out yle tie could not dot rest but cried all the time 11 1 I tried different remedies but the eruption lasted ignited one year then them I 1 used Cull Cuti cura soap and ointment and now my boys boya head la Is relieved I 1 will never be without Cuti cura soap and ointment Sig signed ined mra mm margaret carter 8 9 10 Gree nt ATO are baltimore md ald way liny 27 1035 loop ointment and coc talcum sold bold everywhere one sample ench each free address I 1 cuu cura laboratories adert 11 II malden maiden binm adt SALT LAKES NEWEST HOSTELRY oar lobby Is delightfully leir air cooled oar during bartill till tb isa summer months raillie for every loov room baths 1 HOTEL temple square rates ra S to tho hotel tana lie amo phi ou will al ve alaf I 1 I 1 in nd h fd for I 1 I 1 chy hy this hi 1 hotel ta 14 you yau VON nar 1 I io apt I ln it a a arh snork of to 0 o stop top at this hi beautiful buti ful hostelry ERMST C 1 ROSSITER eff |