Show NOTICE FOR publication department of ane interior general land office at salt halt lake city utah sept 21 1933 1935 notice Is hereby given that al fred B D johnson of vernal utah vrho ho on august auguil A 23 1928 made stock raising homestead entry no for see sec 14 afi 8 see sec 15 see sec 21 nwe NW see sec 22 SWI SW NE fwise NW iSE section 23 TD Town nhip Alp I 1 south range bange 25 east wt salt lake meridian has filed notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above abone described before leon P christensen Chrls notary public at vernal utah on the day of december 1935 clamant claimant names as aa witnesses it nemes james bourn of roosevelt utah and leonard bourn joseph jaep winder and edan J winder of vernal utah THOMAS F THOMAS register first publication oct 31 1935 last publication nov 28 1935 |