Show I 1 aill a NOTICE 11 here will be a democratic county cou con acl tion held beld tit at Work workman mans mill hall on saturday div fivey y 18 1801 1891 ai 2 p m for the bor pose iose of nominating county officers for ar abib C elec tl don tiou precincts represented ita fl debates as follows vernal 15 1 ashley 8 ardale 5 and mountain dell 3 dele ct tea es aud and alternates are requested to be nal nfl lindt ablit in attendance by order of the ceni 11 democratic burrd board of uintah coulty W 11 garron gagon secretary eh vernall vernal july 8 isal 1801 4 mario ibm si h gb A athe n tbt Just icea conett vema vera Prec precinct luct oi 1 utah poly of P aa mn pope plaintiff VW VB y demand all I 1 bros bror defendant atall bros A als george and flotd a stall orting grouting biou ou are hereby to be and appear before et acts tle the at my ollic in venial precinct batah tah conaty Con nty batah territory to skewer a complaint d against you herbia n by sald said plaintiff within a e days daye aclus clus of the day of service if this su m inous Is served you within within ten day if you of mid vernal precinct but bat within the R muty of und and aubin wubin twenty days daya if served cao ere 1 action Is brought to from yon the said c la 0 of sS Sd allega abild to be b due aud od owing fo for unpaid 1 ebie ea for the year ad d yo yoji yoi i ara ar hereby herby thit that if you fall to io so apt rand answer aa above required the plaintiff will dor der ltd id a judgment judg meat for aid and I 1 attore y fm fees cad and of insult 4 1 given dermy un hand thia day of A D 1 1891 DAVID ju 0 f the pews SUMMONS S f S i la th leals 0 territory errit ory of auh h 4 ra ohn pope pop plaintiff plaint ln VS va demand S E B foo fon defendant 0 o R E M kz lou on Greo grating ting you are arc hereby summoned to be and appear baa before fore mo me e undersigned undersigner under signed at my oice in vernal pre precinct eltice uintah t bounty utah territory to answer a cv faint lA Int med filed you herawi by said plaintiff within five days daya ex leive of the day of service ace if this Rt immons le served 11 ayou you within vernal venial precinct within ten days it if served Q n you outside of suld vernal precinct but bat within the th onney of uintah matah and within twenty days day if ser seated ed else said actina i Is brought to recover from you the paid um am of 8 alleged alle to be duo due abid au owing for r jaaes axer for the year 1890 and yon yoa are hereby notified that if you fall to soap so ap ar aud diw war afi u alove CU iii iAuS vail dw dt mand baand A judgment for to danl d aan auary ney fo ow and 4 boats of unit suit given under my iny hand this lay day of july A D 1891 DAVID u notice justice of the peace SUMMONS in the justices court vernal pre precinct tw territory itchy of utah county coulty of ulnah 83 john pope ope plaintiff vs demand SMI 1370 M clark lo 10 logan gun va defendant J to clark logan grating you are ar coruby samma to be ie and appear before me the at my lo io vernal precinct vintah county utah territory to answer a complaint tiled mod I 1 against you here herein n by said aad plaintiff within five days ex elusive odthe day of eer bervice vice if this summons la is served on you within vernal krecl precinct anat within ten days dayis if served on you outside of eald eaid vernal precinct but within the county of eawh and within twenty days it strood elsewhere ere said action is ia brought to from you the said sum of 1370 ael to be due and owing for unpaid taxes for the owr IM 1890 and aad you are hereby notified that if you fall fail to so BO appear and anby answer er as above required the plaintiff will demaud judgment judging ut for eald bald amount aud and attorney fees aud and colw of suit bult given under my hand this day of july A D 1601 justice of the peace THE BEST GOODS ON EARTH Is what everybody says of tle anu dt ring mow ers aud and bauders bi the new stevens wagons ludlow spring buggies bugg iea and other fine artic arbic lea in the same rainy line sold by sidney steve sevens aud and in utah JOHN GLUM Is the agent call on him bim if you want full value for your money w c ft orny at no Y collections made reul real estate bought and sold cold pat louage 1 S st K KINQ Att attorney ortley aud and CoUne counselor elor at law will practice before the department of the ache interior legal business busi buis neBS attended to in all courts PRICE UTAH M I 1 I 1 E D M P A an AMA KM t M office vernal street w n Y S AND 0 I 1 tj 0 a it C 4 UP I 1 M t 1 0 1 I L mage ut BA drug stori store utah jai 4 a 2 0 o 1 1 tt y TT 1 I PD L i 0 A t f j j TIT at Ha tolles old shop vernal having secured tu e orvices tirs rices of at al nt Black blacksmith and from froin the east cast we are prepared to do your work in the quickest quick iest time and neatest manner i to tk 0 fires rut lulng every day p n 11 butlan iffat caus calla attea attended ded day or night woe on oa vernal street aaa door west of tiie the coop co op ii i i i na 1 ir r i i xii it BROS t everything io in conr une line of the taw and bat main st SC ir i rix ri x ri r j AD T A TT A Z L X 17 ij choute I 1 wish to aou ounce c to my patrona that I 1 lave have lately taken the agency fur for the DEERING anor zinc lors and io tOor N NEW FARM WAGONS afi it i Z 0 1 C 1 1 UZ RAKES i K 1 SPRING W WAGON AGON AGO N A AND D BUGGIES I 1 in the line of merchandise mere bandle I 1 ivun idling ellix ig best roller mill flour for W fine smoked mims hama at per pound fine D G sugar loc for climax tobacco 5 per amud horse shoo shoe tobacco per pound we have albo a fine of oslo cau dies and orang oranges Ps on a 7 a yaa IV N TM FAK F 1 A fa X boan B 0 NL cattle brat branded led as aboa on both s UM varr arft crop cop c op ard split both ar i C it 0 federa reaal co CA j uj |