Show cheno wh eno goings FORT Ducu isiF july 7 1891 at dinrie ae july ith aali our garrison aroused by the booming of cation canon W wild ild of ch children ildren and t lie martial strain strai ns of the star spangled banner the day chay was fine and the program opened with a a rifle contest for a barrel of ifer won ha 1 live five members oi of Coni company pany C at 1030 the athletic sports begun with vance ath master of ceremonies ri the most interesting of the sports wits was the long distance rae race won by james carroll of company A after nume numerous games conteri tP etc all repaired to their respective home hoines and barracks to piAr partake take of their holiday dinner while the baud band play ed america in the afternoon noon a large assemblage atheme ather fd at the administration building to witness as they thought though tall an inte ee at ing ganie game of hall ball the garne game was to he be I 1 umpired by brown and ald alexander ath caa at the master of ceremonies yelled play ball and the ganie game began the first inning i was very exciting resul resulting in a score of 2 to 1 in ill favor of the cavalry Y in the second inning inning the he second az base o man eman of the nine mile was disabled by a thrown ball a substitute tiri tute was clallen and the game went on during the inning the wounded man had sufficiently reco recovered vired to take hi place bace as a player this was objected to by the cavalry and ILS as usual time was ra called ballod llod and after much enuch wrangling gt cowling kicking thren threats ts ete etc tho the umpires declared the mutch oft the uni pires did wron wrong g chev wh they allowed the cavalry to take the purse for according to the rulea tin no watch mutch cau te be called a auw five inning have been played aud and father more in justice to the gentle hien who were generosa gene roua enough to donate the peixe ame they should bu be compelled to pUy ith ganic gamo out or lotse loae the woney money no matter which aide was wrong froug the men who did the t ho bucking backing hould be ashamed d of thema elvea 4 for their u grateful behavior the recent order from froin the department headquarters reducing tha th number of i employed emp loyes struck taits poa fust rather aard four were discharged and aa bew f w had t heir pay reduced 9 M mr Ro deeker the genelen gentleman ian doing doin nua ineas here as a ft a photographer camu came near getting li himself linis elf into serious I 1 trouble rouble by the alioto pl ioto of at very popular young lady hady IV from uintah to fco ad advertise vertime his hia busi A photo pl ioto of tho lady yaa was ditico discovered vered adorning the bed boorn of sing lee and mr hodecker Ku decke md had consider able ble eming cb to do to for th the uto ai I 1 being n in the Chinami poe we s sion diou M mr r Rod ccker will be benmore inore ino re careful in I 1 the future t I 1 rumor lias has it that a certain who stands mix feet in his hia and who it is ia said poses aea sets a 1 for caudy candy has haa procured a licence to publish extrom ilia his affection for foi ft 11 beautiful beautia va ivady residing at this thia post there a no died 04 jim if lie he dues doea ue lius caudy she has gone gone gone ah strange fatality that one naughty word from hr her mistress should part her and 1 I she whom I 1 some day W thought to ma inae ke my ali ah well ever thus with ui is such a c ii were tiie the involuntary ejaculation that came from a chort abort despondent louk look ing ing soldier to day dayas ama lie he stood sorrowfully soliloquizing long after the departing stage 10 coach had disappeared disappear le d over the hul the hor hordon bizun poor shorty lie he feels feela the acab keenly toe for ne st young at the bus business siness but he should study this quotation irom shik shake sere there ti ra a divinity that ehfe 6 our ends rough how 6 10 ahm he r an aa we may swipes |