Show PROSPECTS a salt lake city au an iulius of nume numerous roub tru traders deni with the w iu in muney money mic m 4 1 has served to to favo favorably y illustrate the home resources of this remote locality without directly producing failures of importance the exceptional trade of the receding preceding year has thus far been fairly well and while money la close ut at present with un an active demand at paying rates it is sufficient necessities the ability of mer c chants azios and fara farmers jers to pay and buy is expected to improve shortly with the move of various products iu this connection it i Is s noted that the wool clip is of better I 1 quality y I 1 is in excess of former years in iii quantity and ud is estimated at over 13 million gwun pounds ds 1 the export of hides act is larger while cattle are iu demand degand at goud good prices ans the shipment tit is greater than heretofore the long aad wyt A spring in this usually lly dry coutier country y is producing an unusually large crop of grain and mthr I 1 farm barru products product a ahil it ahe condition conditi qu of fruit is is very eq f promising the output of producing mines is fully equal to former and d much attention is being attracted to tb the e extensive undeveloped 1 mineral ni aiona yi ona now awaiting pro promised mined rail railroad rodd communication the construction of branch r railways j n now ow largely accomplished is of f yrea ent benefit on fit aud f till full of promise for forthe the future bui business iness property values aru generally urro firm aud and sanguine expectations are indulged in in representative trade ou quarters arters lipha the basis of good crop prospects and the development now in progress 1 re 81 is the jobbing alq an j tiring interests show an improvement an am will rapidly grow with any removal of n road for walh 11 satti H nt HV V oi 01 Ls is now being behiry taked the Bun ineas Ou ok |