Show NEARLY AN ACCIDENT wednesday afternoon we stepped to our door just la ia time to see aee a runaway two borses attached to a load of hay bay atter alter gallop ing a block turned the corner at judge Holda ways and started at a still faster gait evidently bout beut on seeing how bow near they coull tip the hay over and aad nt do it we wen ivere a omena ian ome nent nf lawr later by noticing ura a little I 1 girl not more thin thau four years old dir directly etly in the way of the horses she so seamed med aut entirely ir deiv unaware of her da danger tiger although I 1 11 was calling 0 to her to get anjer un te t e f vile looking back she saw the horses iu in full swin i not to feet fee t from bershe ajer phe stumbled an n i fell and that is all we could see of her 0 0 for the horses ho ses the next montant ino tore 0 er ei the t he spot spit she it hia tl beci st vi ai i 1 li i th meantime mr popy pidu hi lat h i I 1 liter li I 1 ti 0 his fence anti ma mily as 4 oc i 1 c i ai a 1 i i were after himself with a warrant wari aut ile ie t got tot to the spot not it a second after the horses passed expecting of course to laeh pk k up ul a pour wor mangled little cla child ild but no hf pta ce i 1 I 1 aw peeped out from froin ibe iann t er f ruri b 01 tle lunce lc nce us its though it a very common thing to miss death by a few I 1 inches it is 19 at a wi miracle bow the child escaped injury she must after ft dalling havo in stir actively rolled out of the ay of the horses ve lve imru lia ve aitta LJ ti tc ic what wa w would do in just such 11 i circumstances of course we dy y and snatch h the child out of dauger be knocked I 1 ourselves just interest higly 0 abl find nd on regaining 0 0 bur soles j ilba an yd 1 1 0 o d bout about us yesterday was our op k r hut but our imaging za 0 did not r 4 A 4 e I 1 we stood in oui door jumped upland 6 dona doi n and shrieked 0 it will be killed it will be killed I 1 and that is ia the end of cr illusion delusion we shall jieva jie vr aji ihor ver ta her iv i v 1 I 1 |