Show tz anu unu jj ia sweet to be remembered is what did uve lave ldoa sia abiding gring ever since mr tayl se r 4 s birj bird allaud at our oll alice thib week atle broa glit Us as a remembrance frum from his lie a pan ot of the finest currants currah cur rahta ts we ever I 1 im I 1 in our live they were the large red rd ne Lt ilits larger chiq wild cherries clear capt atte to ones and the fay currant cur rAut delight rt ol 01 v tart auld and plea pleasant mr bird says lie he I 1 of on in imi quantity of chesi ripen ripe a y lie le is ia niika making i jig semiweekly semi weekly vita to tn mar pact poe tand and disposes dippo yep of the fruit at good ire mr bird sa ys ya this thia is ia all geneva ail |